Child safety is a critical aspect of parenting! Make sure you do it right.

Safety is of the uttermost importance for children. As a parent and a caregiver, you need to do everything in your power to protect the little ones from all types of dangers. Be it at home or outside; we tend to pay close attention to the overall safety of the environment before we allow our children to play without any stress. Since no one wants their child to get hurt, child safety should never be ignored.

The layout of your environment plays a critical role in preventing any accidents. By carefully observing all the dangers present in your home and applying for child-proof protection, you can proactively prevent most accidents.

The danger of doors

At first look, a door may seem harmless, but it is still too often the case that a kid gets hurt by a door. Imagine a heavy wooden door slamming shut against a child's hand or finger, smashing the bones. It is going to become an unforgettable trauma that is going to require immediate medical attention.

Various child safety solutions such as a door hinge protector can help you prevent such traumatic accidents from happening.

Stats show that nearly 3000,000 door related injuries require emergency treatments each year – with kids under the age of four being the most vulnerable. These injuries often require amputation.

This is why you must take the appropriate safety measures to prevent accidents.

The solution

Door finger protection should be of critical importance. The door hinge guard is built to be installed on the hinge side of your doors to eliminate any chance of an accident ideally.

These finger guards are not just great to look at but are also very simple to install. Many schools and daycare centres have made it compulsory to install door hinge guards throughout the premises.