Are adults at a risk of door-related injuries?

You may have heard about door-related finger and hand injuries. There is no denying that young children (especially those under six years of age) are particularly at higher risk of finger-trapping incidents. Unfortunately, not only children, even adults, can suffer from these traumatic and potentially debilitated finger and hand trapping incidents.

The most finger crushing injuries happen on the internal and external sides of doors and often occur on the doors’ hinge side. However, heavy doors, fitted with self-closing mechanisms are some of the worse culprits behind these injuries. But, those injuries often become severe and are hard to prevent. So, you need to use the most efficient and most accessible option, which is door finger protection devices for schools, restaurants, offices, and homes.

A unique door-hinge design from a reputable manufacturer could prevent traumatic finger trapping injuries. This safety device is designed to reduce any possibility of getting trapped fingers when the door is closing. It works by eliminating the gap between the door and the frame to reduce. Perfect combination of butt and pivot hinges, it is fitted on the door frame and door edge.

The hinge butt can rotate 90 degrees in either direction of the door existence. With a hinge pin device, it can be installed in new and existing doors of home, office, and industrial.

A door hinge protector device is suitable for doors which open at a 180-degree angle as it allows the door to swing through 180 degrees. Therefore, the people in wheelchair and elderly, who may have difficulty opening doors towards them, can open the door smoothly without any finger and hand hazards risks. With an anti-door slam device, the door can also be locked to prevent it from slamming shut. Apart from that, you can also fit an internal door closing device inside the finger hinge to prevent injury on the handle side of doors.

As you can see, not only children but even adults can be brought to tears when the trauma of trapping their fingers in the doors hits them. These severe injuries can be prevented by the installation of door hinge safety guards.

Whether you have a young child or disable adult, it’s time to install a finger hinge protection device to your doors. Once you fit this safety device in your doors, you not only protect your loved ones from getting their fingers trapped between the doors and their hinge sides but also reduce the financial loss, which could be the costly medical bills.