Let Us Discuss Door Safety in Schools

The most evident danger that authorities must avert in schools is DOORS. Why do we call doors dangerous? Doors are present throughout the facility, and while these are assumed to allow or shut entrances simply, doors also play a vital part in ensuring school safety.

Doors are the key to securing rooms and, in turn, the children who may be vulnerable to several associated risks. However, we usually see how most schools and daycare centres misuse doors and install insufficient locking devices and several other confusing or jeopardizing add-ons. Rather than protecting the kids and staff, low quality or improper protective measures put everyone at risk.

Door locks that do not meet building codes don't fulfil even the basic safety requirements. Some locks and other security devices are often not so easy to use; however, it must be the opposite regardless of age and ability to sail smoothly in emergencies. Lastly, inexpensive door security solutions are everywhere; but what authorities must be aware of are those solutions being inadequate for the intended use.

When appropriately secured, doors are a significant barrier against various safety threats. Locking devices do keep the facility secure. But what about internal threats caused by high-risk doors? We are talking about entrapment injuries that are all the more common with kids in schools but the least addresses issue.

We urge all - for the safety of kids and school staff - to be aware of all the right ways to prevent every possible threat in the school, including entrapment injuries that are often excruciating if not life-threatening. Besides locking devices, door finger guards for schools are a must to have!

No matter what kind of doors the facility has, door hinge finger protectors do their job well and act as an additional layer of protection on high-risk doors. Finger pinch injuries are not only painful, these may cause discomfort for days/weeks, and if the damage is severe, amputation cases have also been reported.

Thus simple is safe - start with the basic premise safety measures and move on to the high-end ones. Sure outside door safety is a priority, but indoor entrances necessitate equal protection. Remember, every effort counts and limits your legal liabilities. In addition to the existing hardware, installing something as straight forward as hinge guards prevent severe injuries from happening in the first place.