Jammed Finger Injuries Can Leave a Severe Impact

Kids under the age of five tend to be particularly prone to injuries from doors. Whenever children get their hands or fingers jammed in between doors and hinges, they may end up with a fractured, crushed, or even an amputated finger.

The hinge side of a door is the part that often causes the most complicated injuries, especially for young children aged from 1 – 5 years. On the other hand, older children tend to hurt themselves more often towards the handle or opening side of the door.

Even though you may feel like these injuries are not a big deal, it could require you to rush your child to a hospital and may even leave a long-lasting mental scar on the young ones.

Door hinge guards

Most door accidents happen towards the hinge side of a door rather than from the opening side. Door finger guards can help you and your family prevent any injuries from the hinge side of the door without much effort.

These are long flexible strips that can be installed along the entire hinge of a door without even calling a professional. These door hinge guards can stop people of all ages from putting their fingers in the hinge, helping you prevent any long-term injuries.

Most finger protection guards do not even affect the appearance of your residential or commercial property, can be installed with minimal effort, and do not affect the functioning of your door in any way.

You may have already noticed these hinge guards installed in several places, such as a daycare centre or at your child's school. This is because daycare centre managers and headteachers need to ensure there are no accidents within the premises. You can notice these finger protectors fitted in high-risk doors such as classrooms, entrances, and toilets.

You can find out more about these door hinge guards online or at a hardware store near you.