Why Must You Install Hinge Guards On Every Door?

Kids are curious creatures. They keep jumping and bouncing at every possible place. And you would also agree with the fact that they may immediately want to investigate a door that they see shutting or opening – be it at home or school.

They are positively drawn towards reaching their fingers in between opening or closing doors. For this very reason, property owners - parents or facility authorities - must consider having protective measures put right in place to secure both space and kids.

Hinge Guards Come To Your Rescue

Fitting door hinge finger guards on every door of the house or facility, especially at the high-risk ones, is crucial to protect kids from pinching, crushing, or trapping their fingers in the door.

Any door that remains unprotected easily catches the little fingers of kids in the hinge or knob side and cause immense pain. This is where having a hinge finger guard is an appropriate solution, so it eliminates your stress and keeps kids protected.

Installing a heavy-duty guard that is strong and effectively serves the purpose is what you may want to consider. It would not slam the door while closing or opening if an over-enthusiastic kid decides to pull or push it a bit too hard.

Even with best intentions, a door may swing on its own. Fortunately, well-designed pinch guards work to slow the speed of rushing doors and prevent any injury from happening. Most of the time, door accidents are avoidable provided adults to keep a close check on kids and secure the property with the needed precautionary measures.

Investing In A Long-lasting Product

Talking about where you can get a durable hinge guard, several online stores offer affordable, sturdy, and aesthetically pleasing guards to suit everyone’s requirements. But make sure you contact a professional installer to get these fitted.

DIY foam guards are often stick-on style. But the more heavy-duty guards are best to be fixed by an expert or else you would not be able to make the most out of this safety equipment. Doors are dangerous, and every property is full of such hazards. So the most crucial tip on childproofing a space is to have a door pinch guard installed on all doors as these are convenient, budget-friendly, and effective.

Stay Pinch Free

While doors are themselves a safety device to keep kids from entering a risky space, it may also turn out to be a threat to those nosy kids. Adults must be aware of the child’s potential curiosity to avoid critical circumstances. In case the injury is severe, there have been cases where the kids’ finger had to be amputated. In such a scenario, it not only hinders the child from carrying out routine stuff but also reduces their confidence and in the long run, prevent them from pursuing their chosen career options.

Finger entrapment injuries are common throughout the UK, in fact, all over the world, but these are also very much avoidable. So, consider installing heavy-duty hinge guards over all doors of your space and keep the ouch away!