Start avoiding accidents by using a door finger guard.

Getting one of your fingers stuck in a door is probably the most painful experience of your life. A door finger guard has proven to be an easy and efficient method of preventing any such accidents from happening.

You may not believe it, but this is a much bigger problem than you think it is. According to the Royal Society of the Prevention of Accidents, estimates suggest that more than 30,000 children get their fingers trapped or seriously crushed each year.

The majority of such accidents can be dealt with with a cuddle, a kiss, and some ice. But more than 1000 of these children will have to undergo some surgery. It is not hard to believe that even adults can tear up with the pain and shock of getting their fingers stuck in the door hinge.

The most common places for such accidents to occur are usually on external and internal doors and often between the door and its frame.

Usually, doors that are heavily fitted with a self-closing mechanism tend to be among the biggest culprits of such accidents. Getting your doors fitted with a finger guard is an efficient, effective, and most accessible method of preventing such injuries.

Preventing injuries from doors

You can find door hinge guards available for both inside and outside opening doors. They make it almost impossible for even grownups to accidentally put their fingers between the door frame and stops any small inquisitive palms from investigating those small gaps.

Not only will they prevent people from getting their fingers hurt, but they may also add to the overall looks of your door. You can get a transparent finger guard if you wish for an unobstructed look which tends to hide in plain sight.

You may also choose other types of door guards, which are available in various colours that may go well with your door and the aesthetics of your room.

Some cities have also made it necessary to get door finger guards for schools since children are most prone to such accidents. These door finger guards are often easy to fit and require only a few screws to keep them in place.

They are built to fit all types of doors, so you don't have to worry about buying a new door altogether. If the finger guard you purchase online is too big or small for your door, you can always get them cut down to size or have them installed alongside additional strips to fit your purpose.

Other accident prevention methods

When you have children around and in institutions and buildings open to the public, we recommend that you get window restrictors fitted as well.

This will allow your window to open to allow air ventilation, at the same time stopping it from opening wide.

Adding window restrictors and finger guards for doors around your house can help you drastically decrease the chances of any unwanted accidents in the future. Even though these changes may look like they are small, they can help you prevent accidents that can have a critical impact on the lives they affect.