Do Doors Pose A Safety Threat To Kids?

When you monitor individual claims and trends, you will notice a significant growth in children’s fingers or hands getting caught in a closing door. Such incidents generally result in crushed, bruised, or smashed fingers. The potential for more severe injuries also exist, including fractures and may even lead to amputation of one or multiple fingers.

But how do these accidents occur? When entering or exiting a public property, play area, or any other area with doors, a child may innocently get their hand or finger stuck between the door and its frame from the hinge side. The child might not be strong enough to prevent the door from slamming shut or opening it to free their fingers or hands.

You must understand that the force created by a closing door can easily reach up to 40 tons per square inch as the door closes. Hence, you must install door safety products to keep little ones safe around doors.

Door Finger Guards Can Help You Prevent Such Injuries On Your Property

You can quickly mitigate any door-related damages on your property by installing high-quality door hinge guards on all high-traffic doors in your vicinity. You can find several door finger guards online that cover the gap between the roof and its frame.

This way, you can prevent any curious fingers from accessing this gap. Moreover, you do not have to call for any professional help to install these door finger guards. Most finger guards don’t even need you to install any screws or damage your door, making them effortless to install. However, if you want a more robust and durable connection, you must consider installing them using screws.


Doors don’t need to pose a threat to your patrons and guests. Properly assessing risks and installing safety devices can help you prevent such injuries from occurring. The total cost is negligible compared to the suffering and pain from such injuries.