Finger Entrapment Risks to Kids & How to Prevent Them

With kids who are spending around two to eight hours at daycare facilities or kindergartens, the first and foremost concern of parents is, of course, their safety. The thought of whether or not they have chosen the best and safest place for their little ones keeps circling their mind. Slipping, falling, and entrapment injuries are all the more common with small kids at such facilities. But with so many regulations put in place for the safety of kids, preventing injuries is certainly possible and easy now.

About Finger Entrapment Risks

Even if you have never suffered an entrapment injury, you are still likely to know how disturbing it is. Finger entrapment injuries often look superficial, but these can be very dangerous. Trapping finger/s in the hinge or handle side of the door may lead to bruises, laceration of the nail or skin, hairline fractures, or severely crushed bones. At times, these may be treated without surgeries and just simple dressing. But, severe wounds may need immediate medical assistance.

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) statistics mention how around 30,000 people hurt their hands and fingers every year due to accidental entrapment in the doors. Most of these injuries often lead to prolonged care and medical assistance. Kids under the age of four are most vulnerable to pinched and crushed fingers.

How to Prevent Entrapment Injuries?

Finger entrapment injuries are avoidable. And door finger guards for schools and daycaresar are the solution.

Of course, strict supervision and awareness cannot be substituted. But it is impossible to keep a check on all kids every time. Plus, they do not always listen or remember the given instructions while playing, jumping, running, and hopping around. This is why high-risk doors must be installed with proper protective devices to aid your supervision and childproof the facility.

Door hinge finger guards must be a necessity for schools. Such devices totally prove their worth and save lives. The excruciating pain can be traumatic for a kid. Plus, if it is a case of amputation, it can impact their day to day functioning in the long run. Reconstructive surgeries come to the rescue, but they are certainly a bit more expensive and require regular follow-up procedures along with complete care.

In Conclusion

The emotional, physical, and financial discomforts kids and their families go through can all be prevented with just a simple technique – having door guards that prevent hitting, slamming, pinching, and crushing fingers.

For more convenience, companies also launch anti-pinch guards that not only suit your requirements but go well with the aesthetics. You get a tremendous variety to choose from. Be it foam-style self-sticking strips or heavy-duty hinge covers; the options are unlimited.

But it is your responsibility to pick the protectors that are easy to install, commercial-grade, and durable. Also, leave no door unattended. High-risk doors certainly need to be fixed, but to avoid even the possible dangers, install guards over all the facility doors and minimize risks to a greater extent.

So, install the best and most reliable solutions right away to make your space as safe and worry-free as possible.