Common Workplace Injuries And How You Can Prevent Them

When you join any industry, you should keep an eye out for these common workplace injuries. This guide will tell you what some of the most common workplace injuries are and how you can prevent them.

As the business owner, manager, or anyone in charge, you must be aware of these common threats and how you can prevent them. Remember, keeping your company and team safe should be your top priority.

Vehicle-Related Accidents

Whenever you work with heavy-duty vehicles or have vehicles in your industry, there is always a chance of an accident. It can be when someone is hit by a moving car, gets stuck under a vehicle, or is struck by objects from the vehicle. It can happen quite frequently, depending on the industry you work in.

How To Avoid Such Accidents

The best way to avoid these accidents is by improving your layout and separating pedestrians from moving vehicles. You can add signs that inform walkers to stay vigilant. Suppose you have vehicles in and out of your vicinity throughout the day. In that case, you can consider replacing doors with free-flow PVC curtains to improve the overall visibility in your workplace.

Door Related Injuries

Though it may not sound quite serious, door-related injuries can be complicated. A closing door tends to exert a lot of pressure, and getting your hand or fingers stuck between the door and its frame can result in broken fingers and even amputation.

How To Prevent Such Accidents

The best and easiest way to avoid door-related accidents is by installing door hinge protectors. These protectors help cover the hinge cavity and prevent fingers from getting stuck between the door and its frame. These finger guards are straightforward to install and don't require special tools.

Trips, Slips, And Falls

Studies show one-third of workplace injuries result from trips, slips, and falls. Though these things tend to happen accidentally, they can cause many issues and severe problems. Poor lighting, wet flooring, and uneven walking surfaces are common reasons people trip or fall.

How To Prevent Such Accidents

The easiest way to prevent slips, falls, and trips in your vicinity are by ensuring all walkways are even and precise. Another way you can do this is by keeping your floors clean and placing signs when they may be slippery and wet. You can also ask all your employees to wear proper footwear when on the job.

Learning how to prevent severe accidents in the workplace is a skill that people tend to acquire over time. The best way to do this is by designing your workplace in a way that makes sense and helps limit safety-related incidents.

As the owner or manager of the property, it's your responsibility to keep all your employees safe and secure. As long as you keep an eye out for any potential threats within the vicinity and take the required measures to ensure safety, you can keep your employees safe and prevent any legal cases against your company.