Why Should You Consider Installing Free-flow PVC Curtains In Nurseries

If you are an owner or manager of a nursery or any other early year environment, investing in PVC door curtains, it's something you must consider. If you are not sure whether getting PVC curtains installed is a good idea or are unaware of the benefits that come along with it, continue reading:

It encourages free flow play

Using PVC curtains in schools and nurseries can help you nurture the idea of free flow play. Free flow play allows kids to move freely between indoors and outdoors and has been known to help develop decision making and independence skills while also allowing kids to progress at their speed.

It will act as a barrier.

When installed on your doors professionally, PVC curtains can also be a barrier to the outside. They can help you prevent debris such as dirt and leaves and pests and insects from getting inside the vicinity.


Just like door finger guards for schools help provide finger protection, PVC curtains can also prevent injuries when children run through them or grab onto an edge. Since they are built using soft grade materials, these curtains don't hurt children.

Airflow and temperature control

All high-end PVC curtains are designed with insulation properties, which allows the temperature to remain the same even when the door is open. It will help you control the temperature indoors and help you save a lot of money on energy bills.

You can even have a plastic bullet system installed on your PVC curtains to make it even safer for an environment with kids – eliminating the metal design. It will not just allow you to prevent any accidents but will also make it effortless to remove the strips for cleaning or whenever they are not needed. So, you must consider installing PVC curtains if you wish kids to have a good time in your vicinity.