What should you do to treat a crushed finger?

We are all aware with the screaming of a person who has crushed his/her finger in a door or under anything else. The hammering pain of the injured finger is extremely unpleasant. But most of us are not sure exactly what attention is needed when fingers are crushed. According to medical practitioners, most situations related to a finger crush injury do not need the assistance of a doctor. Most likely, you will find swelling and bruising of soft tissues. Sometimes you may also find some blood blisters or minor cuts. In such instances, if you are a little bit careful, you can treat it at home only. To prevent the crushing of fingers, you should have some safety measures in place. For example, you can wear gloves while working or install door finger protection products to avoid such painful situations.

So, what should you do without delay after you crush your finger?

Immediately after crushing a finger, there are a couple of things you should do to alleviate the pain and reduce the swelling.

Use ice on the crushed part – An ice pack can alleviate pain and swell to a large extent. You should keep ice for 10 to 15 minutes, and keep repeating the process for a few first hours. But make sure you don’t keep the ice for long, or else you may develop frostbite.

Hold up your hand – Keeping your hand elevated at your side will also increase the swelling and make pain unbearable. So, hold up your hand to reduce the pressure in there.

Keep your fingers moving – It is always advised to keep your finger moving. If you feel you are unable to move it, you should then visit a doctor.

Take a medicine – To manage the pain, you can opt for a pain reliever you typically use.

What to avoid - Make sure you don’t wrap your crushed finger. It can result in more damage when the required oxygen and nutrients do not get to the tips.

What do you need to do after a day or two?

After a day or two, you will find blood starting to build up under your nail. And also you will find the colour of your nail change, usually, dark blue or black. This normally happens if you receive an injury in a small space at the tip of the finger. It is recommended to let the pressure out. This will reduce the pain and will also expedite the healing process. You should consult a medical professional for assistance. Either they will do it for you or explain the procedure so that you can try yourself.

When do you need to seek medical assistance?

You need to take medical assistance if you are unable to move your affected finger. However, there are other complications that may require medical attention. The complications include visible finger deformity, any infection, injury down the finger, dirt in the wound, deep cuts that need stitches and blood built up under the fingernail.


The best way to prevent finger crush injuries is to be careful. However, we all know accidents can happen. So, it makes sense to use safety products like finger guards, safety gloves, and door finger protection products, no matter you are working or are at home.