How to Choose the Best Door Finger Guards for School Doors?

Not having finger guards in place can give rise to finger entrapment injuries. These can be traumatic, leading to amputation in severe cases. Unfortunately, curious kids and toddlers are more prone to getting hurt. Therefore, childproofing your property ensures absolute protection. In fact, these avoid dangerous accidents.

So, when it comes to choosing finger guards for school doors, the best ones are those that get the job done. Protectors that prevent anyone's fingers from getting trapped in between the doors must be equipped with the following features making them safe and easy to use.

Who Is It For?

Decide whether you want to install these measures for kid or adults or both. If you are concerned with the safety of kids under the age of 4 years, install a 1.2 m hinge guard. It is sufficient enough to prevent the child from trapping their fingers into the door gaps.

Type of Doors

Next major factor to consider is the kind of door you want to install a finger protector on. For instance, if there are sliding doors in your property, you must connect a safe sliding device. However, if the doors have a rising butt hinge, consider installing hinge cavity products.

Quality Assurance

When you buy door finger guards, make sure they qualify on two major factors - quality as well as safety. Installing high-quality finger guards for school doors reduce the risk of finger entrapment accidents with kids.


Finger guards are budget-friendly products - you can easily get the cheaper ones starting from $4 and the premium ones go up to around $50. A few of these high-quality pinch guards even act as door locks. The package that you purchase will also impact the pricing. So, if you have a lot of doors that require childproofing, choose a cost-effective package that suits your budget.


There aren't a lot of features to scrutinise; however, these are a few important ones:

Ease of Use: Pick the one that's easy to install, can be operated from both sides of the doors, offers portability and can also be removed easily.

Design and Construction: Usually, these devices are constructed with non-toxic materials, and you can also pick from a variety of colour options that go well with the environment.

Easy Installation: You must buy a door finger guard that does not require you to drill any holes or damage the door in any way.

Functionality: If you are installing door finger guards, your best bet is to purchase the one that can be mounted at any height or on either side of the doors and windows.

Number: You must purchase the number of pieces depending upon your requirement or the doors that need proofing.

Material: No matter what, finger guards for school doors must not be made of toxic substances.

There are so many safety products available in the market, and that's what complicates the scenario. However, you must pick the right product. We hope this article sorts your safety concerns and help you make an informed purchase decision.