Things You Can Do To Prevent Accidents At Home

We, as parents, believe our home is our one safe haven. However, that's only sometimes the case. Thousands of accidents occur in and around houses in the United States every year, with almost half of all deaths and injuries happening under someone's roof.

You don't have to wear a helmet around your house at all times, but there are a few practical things you could do to prevent such accidents from happening in your home.

Avoid Slips

Falls are some of the most common injuries in a household, especially when you have kids and the elderly to look after. You should always keep the windows closed and ensure all your handrails are sturdy and in good shape.

Kitchen and bathroom floors are common areas with water, making for potential slips and falls. Ensure you keep them dry at all times and clean any spills as soon as they happen. You can also use a bath mat to help you soak up any excess water. If you have a glass door for your shower, we suggest you replace them with free-flow PVC curtains so you or any other family member don't sustain any severe injury from a bathroom slipping accident.

Keep All Poisons Out Of Children's Reach.

Ingesting a poisonous, harmful substance is much easier and more common than you think. Several medication bottles and poisons look alike, so ensure you mark everything and keep it out of reach of children.

If you or any other family member is on multiple medications, you should get a weekly pill box to keep them organized. It would help if you also taught your kids what the skull and crossbones on a container mean.

Door Finger Accidents

Another standard safety hazard that's present in all homes is doors. The hinge side of the door can be a severe threat to your kids, which may result in crushed and broken fingers, which may also lead to amputation. If you look at the statistics, you will be amazed at how many children have to visit the emergency room due to a finger entrapment injury.

Though you can teach your children to keep their hands and fingers safe around doors, you will need help to prevent such accidents. Consider installing door hinge protectors on all high-traffic doors in your home. These guards help you keep all curious fingers from accessing the gap between the door and its frame.

Safety Around Electricity

Childproofing your home is vital when you have kids, but it's a good idea for you to practice some safe electrical practices at home. It would be best never to overload an electrical outlet with multiple appliances. Teach your children always to be careful when plugging in a device since even a small shock can result in an ugly accident.

Always unplug any bathroom appliances you have right after you use them. Never leave appliance cords in areas where you or any other family member might trip on them. If you ever see an exposed wire from a device or cord, ensure you get it checked out by a professional electrician.

As long as you stay vigilant, you can easily maintain the highest level of safety at home.