Childproofing Your Home: Top Tips for Preventing Home Injuries and Accident

While most people never expect a disaster to happen in their homes, all homeowners need to remain prepared and informed on how to prevent home injuries from occurring. You can help keep your kids safe from potential injuries by being proactive.

Once you understand the safety hazards in your home, you can easily take the necessary steps to reduce the overall risk of injuries. From improving lighting to installing door finger protection, here are the top three things you can do to keep your kids safe!

Door Safety

While most people don't consider doors a threat, they can result in some of the nastiest injuries, especially among kids. A closing door can exert a total pressure of 40 tons per square inch, enough to injure kids' delicate hands and fingers. Ensure you teach your children how to stay safe around doors. In addition to teaching kids about door safety, you can also install door hinge guards. These guards help cover the hinge gap between the door and its frame, preventing any curious hands from reaching in and getting stuck.

Electrical Hazards

Overloaded circuits, outdated wiring, and improper grounding are a few common electrical hazards which might lead to shocks, fires, and electrocution. To prevent such accidents in your home, you must hire a certified electrician to inspect your wiring and make any crucial updates or repairs. Also, teach your kids never to plug in too many devices simultaneously since it could overload your home's electrical circuit.

Trip Hazards

Slips and falls are amongst the top home accidents. You can prevent such injuries at home in various ways, like removing any potential tripping hazards, installing steady handrails, and improving indoor lighting in your home. You should also be mindful of any loose rugs and cords and tuck them away as soon as you notice them. Inspect your floors to check for any loose screws and boards regularly. If you have any cracks or uneven steps on your sidewalk, repair them immediately.

Keeping these three factors in check can help you make your home much safer for your family and friends.