Modifications That Help Schools Prevent Finger Entrapment Injuries

There are several ways in which children can get hurt in schools, but finger entrapment injuries are the worst. If you are a school owner or manager, it's your responsibility to keep all kids safe when in your vicinity.

Statistics show that more than 30,000 children in the UK suffer door-related injuries that lead to broken or crushed fingers that need immediate medical attention. Some of these injuries may also result in amputation, which can change a child's life.

These injuries often lead to hefty fines, but nothing is worse than a child having to suffer due to no preventative measures installed in the school.

PVC Curtains Might Help

If you wish to avoid any door-related injuries at school, replace all high-traffic doors (like in the hallways) with PVC curtains. These curtains are a great solution to all door-related injuries since they allow kids to see what's on the other side effortlessly.

Since PVC curtains are made to be used in high-traffic areas, they are great at retaining temperature and preventing any dust, grime, or insects from entering. However, PVC curtains are not ideal for all areas (like bathrooms). For other areas, you can consider installing door fingerguards.

Door Finger Guards

The gap between the door and its frame is infamous for causing severe injuries. Door finger guards for schools allow you to prevent any hands or fingers from accessing the hinge side of the door. This way, you can easily avoid crushed or broken fingers at school. These guards are easy to install and don't require you to damage the door in any way.

A door finger guard can help you childproof all doors so children can study and play worry-free. A door-related injury can result in excruciating pain and a hefty fine for schools. It would help if you did everything possible to avoid finger entrapment injuries.