A Parent's Guide To Preventing Door-Related Finger Injuries

Whether your child is at home, in school, or at a daycare centre, they are always at risk of a severe personal injury for an object that you can find in every building – the door.

While they may seem harmless at first sight, doors are responsible for thousands of finger entrapment injuries yearly. A lot of these injuries also result in fractures and even amputations, which could be a life-long injury for your little one.

How Dangerous Are Doors?

Regarding potential door injuries, kids under five are the most vulnerable since they always try to touch and explore everything in their environment without understanding what might cause an injury. But this does not mean that older kids are safe. Anyone acting recklessly around doors is at risk of having door-related injuries.

Now that you understand who is at risk of such injuries, we should discuss how these injuries happen. A finger-pinch injury can occur from a door's hinge and handle side. While both these injuries can have profound implications, injuries from the hinge side of the door usually result in more damage.

Hinge Side Injuries

The hinge side of doors is infamous for causing severe injuries that result in fractures and crushed or amputated fingers. Most of these injuries require immediate medical attention, making them a big problem for parents, teachers, and caregivers.

Besides teaching kids how to stay safe around doors, installing door hinge protectors on all high-traffic doors is another way to prevent these injuries. Many states have also made it mandatory to install door finger guards for schools and other facilities that deal with kids. These finger guards prevent you and your child from accessing the gap between the door and frame, making it an ideal solution.

Handle Side Injuries

Handle-side injuries occur when someone suddenly shuts the door without noticing where their hand rests. It could also happen if you stand next to a door that swings closed because of external factors like wind. While a door hinge guard can help prevent hinge side injuries, they cannot help you prevent handle side injuries. The best way to avoid this from happening is by installing door closers. These door closers ensure your door doesn't swing shut with force by reducing its closing speed. This should give you enough time to realise and take your hand out of its way.

Teach Your Kids About Door Safety.

As a parent or caregiver, you must teach your kids about door safety in addition to installing these devices. The best way to do this is by doing a small activity. Place a pencil on both sides of a door and swing it shut. Now check the damage on both pencils. It should show your children what will happen to their fingers if stuck in a closed door.

Installing door finger guards and door closers can quickly mitigate any chances of a severe injury on your property, even if you leave your kids without adult supervision. So what are you waiting for? Visit your local hardware store or go online to find door finger guards that work the best for you!