Preventing Pinched Fingers in Door Hinges

Young kids keep running, hopping, and jumping around all over despite telling them not to! Their need for constant movement keeps them going around and exploring places. They keep skipping in the grocery stores, run in and out of the classrooms, play at home, and wrestle with friends and siblings.

Is it concerning?

Most times, kids bouncing and skipping around endlessly is nothing to worry about. But injuries are part of their daily life. Accidents involving kids trapping their little and brittle fingers in the hinge side of the door are particularly more prevalent.

ROSPA statistics reveal how more than 30,000 kids each year trap and pinch or crush their fingers indoors at home, schools, or stores. On average, around 1500 kids undergo surgeries where some may even require reconstructive treatments or amputation. These figures are shocking, but often, such accidents can be avoided.

What can help? Hinge protectors!

Doors aren’t often seen as a significant threat. But be it entry or exit doors, cupboards, and wardrobes, door hinges can cause severe damage. When the kid is screaming in pain, it’s also difficult to gauge how bad the injury may be. But whether it’s a minor bruise or fractured bones, the situation is disturbing. So if any child traps their finger in hinges, you must immediately seek medical assistance.

But your responsibility must be to prevent such instances from happening in the first place. Installing door hinge finger protectors on every door, in every home and facility, is the right way to avoiding dangerous finger accidents. This applies to both the front and rear sides of the hinges, so kids are safe no matter which side of the door they put their hands on.

Besides, one can also invest in self-closing drawers, door wedges, knob covers, and stoppers or jammers. Such precautionary measures considerably slow down the action of doors and hinges while ensuring kids don’t pinch, jam, or crush their fingers.

In fact, trapped and pinched fingers aren’t just common with babies or toddlers. Kids from the age of 0 to 14 alongside adults are both susceptible to facing such injuries. The pain and distress that one goes through are unbearable, in addition to the hefty medical expenses that may have incurred. Thus having a door finger protector on each door must be your priority, especially the ones that are of superior quality and installed by professionals. These are easy to fit and efficiently serve their purpose. Always talk to an expert before doing-it-yourself to get the guards that suit your particular needs.

In conclusion

Doors, hinges, and pinched fingers go hand-in-hand. Kids, especially under the age of five, are more prone to door-related injuries. While the handle side door injuries may be common with older kids, hinge side injuries are the worst and prevalent amongst smaller kids.

To avoid such circumstances, install safety devices like hinge protectors on the door. Besides, teach the kids not to play or carelessly run around touching or slamming doors. Although door protectors are reliable, do not use them in place of supervision - nothing beats that. If you aren’t investing in heavy-duty, high-quality guards, they won’t perform well for a much longer time. So always keep a check on your kids and also on such devices to replace them whenever needed.