Create a haven for kids at home with door finger guards

Young children tend to experience the world around them via their relationships with others and how stable or safe their environment is. Even a slight wrong move may leave a long-lasting mark on their memory. Similarly, a severe accident can end up being a life-altering incident. This is why the safety of your children holds a lot of importance. Creating a safe environment for your children right from their homes is the initial step towards proactively preventing mishaps.

All parents need to pay more attention. Once you start this practice, you'll notice a few safety hazards present in the comfort of your home that may pose a significant threat to the young ones. One of the many dangers that every home has is doors.

Whether you believe it or not, high traffic doors are undoubtedly dangerous to young children and even adults since anyone can get their hands and fingers stuck on the knob or hinge side of the door and injure themselves. With numerous design innovations, we have now achieved much better safety towards the knob side of the door. However, the same cannot be said about the hinge side.

The hinge side of doors is infamous for getting young children in trouble. Nevertheless, the hinge is a critical component of a door that helps in its functionality. You can protect your kids from the dangers of door hinges by installing door finger protection.

Door hinge finger protectors

A critical part of kids' development is allowing them to explore their surroundings fully. A lot of restrictions tend to shut off their minds to a lot of things. As a parent, you have to keep your home safe and secure while your children are their curious selves.

You must start teaching your children about hand and finger safety and educate them about any hazards from which they must keep their distance. Next, you need to do your bit and install a hinge finger guard on all high traffic doors in your home for additional protection.

Hinge guards for doors are a revolutionary device that helps you childproof your home and keep all the dangers of doors at bay. Statistics show that hinges tend to lead to numerous punched, jammed, crushed, and broken fingers across the country. Not only do such injuries hurt them physically, but they can also leave a long-lasting impact on their mental health. Depending on how serious the injury is, a professional doctor might suggest you get reconstructive surgery done. Nevertheless, such injuries may also lead to amputation in case the damage is beyond repair.

Prioritise home safety today

Every year, numerous kids end up in emergency rooms due to door-related injuries requiring medical treatment. We know that no parent would want their children to be a part of these statistics. Always keep in mind that it's your responsibility to check your home for any potential dangers now and then. It would help if you also taught your children not to play around doors and keep their hands and fingers away from the hinge side.