How to treat a finger squashed by a door

Even mentioning a finger getting squashed or stuck in a door makes most people cringe. The chances are that you already know the agony that comes with a smashed finger.

It doesn't take a lot for people to learn how to keep their fingers out of harm's way, which is why these injuries are much more common amongst children.

If you wish to prevent these injuries, you need to get door finger protection installed in all high traffic areas of your home.

What to do after impact?

Assuming that you have extricated your finger, there are several things that you can do to reduce the excruciating pain.

Using an ice pack:

Ice packs are perfect for helping reduce any pain and swelling. Apply the ice pack twice an hour for fifteen minutes. Ensure you don't apply ice for too long; otherwise, you may develop frostbite.

Keep your hand elevated:

Letting your hand swing by your side after you have smashed your figure will boost the swelling and throbbing. It would be best if you hold your injured hand up to help reduce the pressure.

Do not stop using your hand:

Using your hand does not mean you can start lifting weights, but you need to keep it moving. If you cannot feel your finger or move it, you need to book a doctor's appointment immediately.

Don't wrap the injured finger:

Since it is already difficult for us to get the blood flowing to the tips of our fingers and toes, wrapping it may cause even more damage due to insufficient oxygen and vital nutrients.

Getting your finger smashed is just the beginning. The real issue starts once the blood begins to build up underneath the nail.

Besides experiencing a lot of pressure, you may notice the colour of your nail turning to dark blue or black over time.

By allowing the pressure out, the pain will reduce significantly, and the healing process will kick in. If your injured finger has turned dark blue or black, then you need to get professional medical attention as soon as possible.

It's not advisable to get rid of any trapped blood from your finger yourself. It would be best if you let a professional healthcare practitioner assist you.

Door hinge protectors

It is easy for parents to help their children avoid such door entrapment injuries. All you need to do is get door hinge protectors installed.

These door guards help you cover the gap between the door and its frame, making it impossible for both adults and children, especially those between one to five years of age, to get their fingers stuck by accident.

These door finger guards should be considered as a critical home safety feature that cannot be ignored. Numerous finger entrapment accidents happen across the country that often leads to severe damage and even amputation.

Rather than rushing your child to the emergency room after a severe finger entrapment accident, it would be best if you take preventive measures.