Top 5 Injury Risks for Kids and How to Avoid These

Kids are always at the risk of getting hurt in one way or the other. Although today there’s an increasing awareness on ensuring adequate measures to prevent injuries, kids may still land themselves in troubles. Here are 5 types of damages that are more common with kids, along with what you can do to prevent these:

  • Finger entrapment

Without a second thought, finger entrapment injuries are one of the most common and serious troubles amongst kids. Thousands of children are admitted each year to emergency care due to their fingers being pinched or crushed in high-risk doors. Usually, kids around the age of 4 and teenagers are most vulnerable. If proper care isn’t received on time or if the injury is critical, it may require amputation.

Installing hinge finger guards is one way you can prevent these in your home or facility. These guards are especially mandatory in educational facilities. Hinge guards serve their purpose efficiently and safely prevent those avoidable injuries.

Besides, you must always teach kids to stay cautious and not put their fingers on the hinge side of the door. As adults, make sure to keep the doors closed to prevent unnecessary slamming. Using door hinge finger guards is beneficial because the products are heavy-duty, and you must always request a professional installation.

  • Slip and fall

These are again the most common causes of injuries with kids, whether at school or at home. Most falls result in bruising or bleeding, but harder falls can be dangerous. The risk is more prevalent with open windows, at playgrounds, slippery floors, and more.

So it is best to ensure removing tripping hazards that may injure the kids or obstruct their way. Keep away any furniture that may increase the chances of bumping. More than anything, never allow kids to stay out of supervision and call for medical help immediately if at all, a child gets hurt.

  • Burning

Since kids have sensitive skin and are also mischievous, they tend to keep trying unusual tricks. This may expose them to dangers such as severe burns. Thus, kids always demand extra attention and protection.

It’s your responsibility to secure all electrical outlets and keep away any chemicals, lighters, matches, or other flammable liquids. It’d help to even have a smoke detector for an added layer of protection. Furthermore, when going out, use a high protection sunscreen, so their skin doesn’t get sunburns as UV rays can also cause burning and hurt their tender skin, leading to excruciating pain and discomfort.

  • Poisoning

As young kids tend to put everything in their mouths, swallowing poison is another cause of (internal) injuries. Therefore, it’s essential to keep all medications, household cleaners, and potentially dangerous stuff out of reach. Teach kids about the risks and how putting those in the mouth can be life-threatening. In fact, you may also label all products for better convenience and control.

  • Drowning

This again is a cause of fatalities amongst kids around the age of five. Community pools, school pools, and even home pools or bathtubs can be the reason behind such mishaps. Toddlers are equally at risk, and even if they know how to swim, they may not be able to steer away from water threats.

So never let the child get out of sight near pools or bathtubs. Teaching them how to swim is an excellent way to prevent drowning. Even on your end, learn about first aid and other emergency rescue procedures.

We hope this information helps you know the potential dangers so you can make the environment as worry-free as possible.