Things to Know About Finger Entrapment Injuries in Schools

The risk of finger entrapment accidents is more common with doors that do not have door finger guards for schools. These guards must always be present right in place, or else the kids are exposed to lifelong injuries. Plus, educational institutes may face substantial legal liabilities. Besides that, here is what all you must know about finger entrapment injuries in the first place:

Types of finger entrapment injuries

Cuts and bruises: These are the most common types of injuries kids encounter. But are usually treatable with basic first aid and heal in just a few days.

Jammed fingers: These cause a sprain in the finger joint or knuckle and restrict the finger from getting fully straightened. Pain, swelling, and fracture may be observed.

Crushed fingertip: Blood blisters or cuts, scrapes, and bruises occur with this type, resulting due to forcefully smashed door. Broken bones may not be observed. But the finger may be at the risk of a bone infection.

Nail injury: The impact that closing doors leave affect not just the skin and nerves, but also the nail bed of the finger. Such injuries demand sutures and take anywhere between 6 months and a year to heal. If proper care is not given, the nail bed may be at risk of infection or allergic reactions.

Blood clots: Crushed fingers may cause this type of injury. And these need medical aid to release the pressure plus inhibit fingernail loss.

Dislocation: With critical injuries, the finger may be pushed out of its joint, leading to severe dislocation.

Fractures: This type of injury may require hospitalization and a series of follow up appointments to fix the damage. Besides pain and discomfort, medical bills are another significant stress.


There is no way that the child may not feel any pain in finger entrapment injuries.

It may be mild level pain if the child tells you about it, but that does not affect their lifestyle. Everyday activities, including eating, splaying, or sleeping, remain unchanged.

The pain scale may be moderate if it keeps the child from carrying out daily activities for a few days. For instance, the child may abruptly wake up from their sleep due to sudden excruciating pain.

The pain is terrible if there is blood loss or other visible signs of injury. This may keep the child from doing all of their daily activities.

When to seek medical assistance

Self-care is reasonable if there are minor cuts or bruises, and the child can carry out daily activities. But in case of the following, immediately call for help:

  • Blood loss

  • Split open skin or bones

  • Torn off fingernail

  • Blood under nail

  • Damaged knuckles

  • Dirt stuck in wounds

  • Pain that does not go after a few hours

  • No tetanus shot in last five years

  • Difficulty in performing daily activities

  • Less than one year age

Besides the symptoms mentioned above, if you think the problem looks urgent, see a doctor.

Preventive Measures

There are so many ways in which kids can hurt their precious fingers at school. But door finger entrapment injuries are most common. According to a few statistics, more than 30,000 kids each year in the UK are reported with finger entrapment concerns. This leads to hefty fines, but nothing is worse than a child suffering due to no preventive measures installed at the school.

Amongst the best, most affordable, and reliable ways to limit finger injuries is to have a door hinge finger protector on every high-risk door. Merely having this very device ensures that finger injuries do not happen in the first place.