What to do when you get your fingers trapped between doors?

Door-related injuries are way more commonplace than you think. As a matter of fact, it is very likely that you will get your finger injured while operating manual doors at least on one occasion. Therefore, it is important for you to understand how you can obtain relief as soon as possible in order to lower the risk of worsening the injury.

It goes without saying, prevention is always better than cure. You can eliminate the risks of an injury altogether with the appropriate safety measures in place. For example, you can install door safety products in your home so at least your home is completely out of harm’s way.

Now, if you suffer a door-related finger injury, you need to first identify the severity of your injury to make certain of what kind of treatment you require. Some injuries can be treated at home, while others may require medical attention and in some extreme cases, even a surgery.

Immediately after a finger trap accident, you should:

· Place an ice pack on your injured finger to relieve the ache and discomfort.

· Keep your finger up to reduce swelling.

· Try to make simple movements with your finger to see if it moves.

Keep in mind, do not wrap your injury considering that it will only decrease the amount of blood flow, which is the last thing you want when dealing with a trap injury.

Signs you need urgent medical care

Door-related finger accidents are undoubtedly painful, but they most often only result in minor wounds. Having said that, there can still be instances where you would require urgent medical care. For example, following a door accident, if your finger appears deformed, is numb, shows signs of infection developing or if a bone is protruding, you should head to the emergency room as soon as possible in order to start the healing process.

At home treatment

After suffering a finger trap injury, make sure you take good care of your trapped fingers to prevent worsening of the injury or the development of an infection. You would need to keep your injured finger clean and regularly sanitised, particularly if you have any open wounds. Make sure to not move it too much and rigidly follow the doctor’s instructions so that it heals timely.