Finger Entrapment Injuries – Cure and Prevention

Getting fingertips caught between the hinged sides of a door can be an extremely distressing and painful experience. Even if you have never suffered a finger entrapment injury in the past, you most likely still know that; it is only common sense. What you might not be familiar with, however, is that such injuries can also result in long-term damage to the fingers or the fingernail. In some extreme cases, these injuries may also result in serious functional difficulties and cosmetic deformities.

How common are such injuries?

Alas, finger trap injuries are not few and far between. On the contrary, they are extremely commonplace, especially among children – in fact, the most recent annual statistics indicate that upwards of 30,000 children under the age of 15 visited UK hospital accident and emergency departments because of door-related finger injuries.

What to do in case of a finger trap injury?

If you or someone you know get their finger caught between the door frames and only gets minor wounds or bruises, you can simply treat the wound by cleaning and dressing it. In case of a deep cut, on the other hand, it is critical to seek emergency medical assistance. More serious injuries may even necessitate amputation.

Prevention is always better than cure

Sure, toddlers and young children are at a greater risk of injuring their fingers while opening or closing a door, but that does not mean you do not need to be cautious around doors if you do not have a child in your home. There can be many instances where you will simply close the doors without giving it any thought.

Even though the odds of your fingers getting caught between the door and the door frame are undeniably very low, putting appropriate preventive measures in place will not hurt. One such preventative measure to ensure prevention of pinched and caught fingers and thus, serious and painful injuries or even accidental loss of fingers is installing door safety products. Door safety products such as hinge cavity, hinge pin, anti-door slam device, etc. can prevent you from accidentally sticking and entrapping your fingertips into the door gap and getting crushed or even severed fingers.

Your safety is in your own hands. To keep your hands and fingers safe, you should consider installing good quality door safety products.