7 Must Follow Rules for Hand Safety

Protecting your hands is essential for maintaining a quality life. However, injuries are commonplace for both kids and adults at home, school, or the workplace. Hand and finger injuries are amongst the most usual causes of people ending up in emergency rooms and missing their education or work. Critical damage can affect one's productivity, and we do not want that to happen to anyone. Therefore, here a few must-follow rules in your everyday life for ensuring hand safety:

  • Stay cautious, not just before but while and after taking up a task, so you do not hurt your hands.

  • Use any equipment or appliance with the utmost care and as instructed by the manufacturers. Carelessness can lead to cuts, abrasions, broken bones, or amputation in severe circumstances.

  • Do not put your hands around moving, sharp, hot, or cold surfaces or objects. These present a significant risk of hurting your hands.

  • Use door hinge finger protectors on high-risk doors that can unknowingly slam or pinch your fingers, especially from the hinge sides.

  • Always be ready for the unexpected, as a failure to anticipate can result in agonising injuries.

  • Train yourself to recognize and avoid getting your hands near dangerous pinch points and carefully secure all threats.

  • Be mindful when shutting doors, especially when you have any vulnerable kids or adults around. For instance, using door finger guards for schools is one way to protect the precious fingers of kids. But stay aware of other doors like that of a vehicle or cabinet at home or a commercial facility.

When you think about it, your hands are actually the most used and valuable part of your body. They serve you for your lifetime. Thus it is your responsibility to keep them protected and save them from burning, crushing, or fracturing. Strictly adhering to the above mentioned seven rules of hand safety will greatly help you reduce any type of avoidable injuries.