Securing Classroom Doors and Windows

Today, several educational facilities have started giving immense importance to their classroom safety, especially concerning doors and windows. Reasons can be many. Thus, we always emphasize that doors are dangerous, and these must be secured to avoid any problems.

An otherwise protected door may potentially save lives and obstruct dangers. So as a responsible school authority, what can you do? In this article, we list a few important considerations and practices that can save your space from any related threats.

  • Interior Locking Mechanisms

Doors that lock from inside are most effective for schools, particularly for individual classrooms. However, even if doors utilize internal locking systems, these must be accessible from outside. It's easier for emergency personnel or any administrators to make their way inside in case of urgencies. Also, be sure the staff is provided with the keys or whatever access methods are deployed on the doors.

  • Protecting Doors with Windows

If the facility has any doors with windows, have those with a temporary covering to add some classroom privacy while avoiding any critical circumstances. If these are relatively too high or too low, consider their placement. The windows must be easily reachable under emergencies but not allow any outside intruders. You may also want to consider having doors that aren't too fragile or too tough or entirely removing the windows.

  • Comply with State Codes

It's best to follow your state codes and requirements while securing classroom doors and windows. Identify and employ the applicable laws or building, safety, or fire codes, etc. Make a checklist of the best practices to ensure each room has the necessary measures put right in place.

  • Door Guards

Industrial-grade finger guards for school doors are one of the most commonly deployed protective measures today. These save kids from excruciating suffering and show that the institution has acted reasonably to protect you if any claims arise. Door protection becomes vital in places like schools where individuals are more at risk of trapping their hands or fingers in the hinge or knob side of the doors.

The victims may go through unimaginable discomforts requiring medical assistance, loss of hand strength, and the inability to perform even day to day activities. Such a barricade can efficiently secure doors and windows, primarily when you use the ones designed for school or daycare needs. The complexity and cost may differ based on what type you choose, so it's best to consult an expert before investing in just any door finger guards.

  • Engage Security Personnel

It is not just internal staff members but also outside experts who may guide you on the necessary security and liability decisions. You can certainly call in special security professionals to review your facility's security systems and to provide a fresh perspective on the loopholes.


Once you're clear with the arrangements on how you'd be updating the school door safety measures, document the process. Such documentation is again valuable if any related claims emerge. While securing the premises, we often miss one of the potential dangers that are doors, which leaves the kids and staff susceptible to various risks. It's the authority's responsibility to comply with the state laws and install mandatory devices that will ensure door safety.