Top reasons why you must install door finger protection on your property

Most home and business owners tend to oversee doors as a danger to children. However, you need to ensure that your door does not injure you or someone else in any way. One way you can protect your friends, family, and everyone else in the vicinity from all door related injuries is by installing door safety products.

You can find several different kinds of door safety products online that help you prevent any emergency visits to the hospital. Two of the most common door safety equipment include door hinge protectors and door stoppers.

Door stoppers

Whether it's wind or divided attention, a slamming door can do a lot of damage to your walls and your fingers. This is why all schools, colleges, and homes should have door stoppers installed if they want to keep their walls, doors, and their fingers from any significant damage.

Door hinge guards

Door finger guards cover the entire gap between the door and its frame, preventing any fingers from getting stuck. Remember that a door-related injury can leave you with a bruised, broken, or fractured finger which may even lead to amputation.

They are durable and easy to install

Installing a door hinge guard is pretty straightforward. Door hinge protectors and anti-slam door hinges are built using high-quality materials which can withstand a lot of wear and tear, which helps them last longer. Furthermore, they are great at blending in with your home aesthetics too! You will not have to call a professional to help you install door finger guards for schools.

Several door-related finger injuries in homes and schools require immediate medical attention every year. If you wish to keep your residents safe, you must install door finger protection on all high traffic doors around your property. Get ahead of all door finger injuries by installing door finger guards today!