Tips To Help You Up Your Home-Safety Game

Accidental injuries are one of the primary causes of death in the United States of America. They are exceeded only by cancer at number two and heart disease at number one. Accidents lead to more than 28 million visits to the emergency room each year.

An accident can happen anywhere and at any time, but most accidents tend to occur where we feel most secure and safe: at home.

Some primary causes of accidental home injuries are choking, poisoning, accidental falls, and door-related injuries. However, with awareness, lifestyle, and educational changes, you can easily make your home safe for your guests and family.

Fall Prevention

People of all ages can get severely injured from a fall. Falls are responsible for more than two million trips to the emergency room yearly for older adults. Accidental falls resulted in about 42,114 fatalities in 2020. The risk of falling and suffering a severe injury only rises with age. However, you can quickly reduce the overall chances of falls by following these tips:

You should also never try to carry more than what’s comfortable. Try to hold items close to your body and balance them in both arms. Ensure you can still see where you are going. Multiple trips to the attic are always better than one to the emergency room.

Door Protection

Doors are another common area of concern that most people need to remember. Many children and adults get their hands or fingers caught in closing doors. A door-related injury could result in bruised, crushed, or smashed fingers, possibly resulting in fractures or amputation.

The force created between the door and its frame (on the hinge side) can easily reach up to 40 tons per square inch, and your child may not be strong enough to prevent the door from closing or open it to free their hand. Consider installing a door hinge protector to avoid such injuries in your home. These protectors help you cover the gap between the door and its frame, preventing any hands or fingers from getting stuck.

Bathroom Safety

Since the bathroom floor is wet and soapy, it can also result in accidental trips. These cases can worsen if your bathroom has a glass partition wall. In addition to placing a high-grip bathroom mat, consider replacing your glass partition wall with free-flow PVC curtains.

These curtains are easy to install and can help serve the same purpose without being as dangerous as glass walls. Another thing you need to ensure is to keep all medicines and cleaners someplace your kids can’t reach since ingestion of these items can result in poisoning.

As long as you follow these tips, you can easily prevent some of the most common household injuries that result in a trip to the hospital.