Common Injuries In School And How To Prevent Them

Do you know hundreds of school kids end up in the emergency room due to twist or finger entrapment injuries each year? Most of these injuries are not very severe, but they might still result in a lawsuit against your institution. As a school owner or teacher, it's your responsibility to take precautionary measures to avoid such injuries at school. This article will describe some common back-to-school injuries and how to prevent them on your campus.

Door Related Injuries

Getting your hands or fingers stuck between a closing door and its frame can be very painful. Though you could install PVC curtains to mitigate such issues, they are usually not the best choice for areas like classrooms and bathrooms.

The gap between the door and its frame is infamous for causing severe injuries that can result in ligament damage and broken bones and might even lead to amputation. If you wish to prevent such injuries on your campus, the best solution would be to install door finger guards on all high-traffic doors on your property.

Door finger guards for schools can help you cover the hinge gap of the door, preventing any curious little fingers from accessing the hole and getting stuck. They are easy to install and blend well with your current aesthetics.

Knee Injures

Knees have been the most common place for scrapes and bruises in playgrounds forever. Sliding on the ground and falling can result in a painful injury, some of which might cause severe issues and bleeding, requiring immediate medical attention.

Some sensitive parts of the knee, like tendons, ligaments, and cartilage, are likely to get strained or torn in case of such injuries. The best way to prevent such injuries is by ensuring all children warm up before participating in sports.

You must also ensure that all slides and other playground equipment are functioning correctly and are in no way capable of causing injuries to the kids.

As a teacher, you must understand that most kids need to learn more about door and playground safety. Most of them don't even know how to avoid injuries. Hence, you must always take precautionary measures and keep close attention to all kids, so no one gets injured on your watch.