How To Prevent Door-Related Accidents In Public Properties?

Studies show that more than 40,000 kids need an emergency visit to the hospital due to a door entrapment injury. Studies also show that many of these children tend to suffer severe injuries that often require undergoing painful surgeries and even amputations. All government legislation organizations can now be fined a hefty amount if they do not take appropriate precautions to prevent such accidents in places like daycare centres and schools.

Though it is always a good idea to get rid of high-traffic doors and replace them with free-flow PVC curtains, it's not always a secure way to keep your vicinity safe and secure, especially when you're not around.

You can easily prevent any curious fingers from getting stuck between the door and its frame by installing good-quality door hinge protectors. Moreover, installing door finger guards also ensures you never have to deal with the pain and trauma of broken fingers or amputation, both of which can leave a lasting impression on your mind.

What Is A Door Hinge Protector?

A door finger protector, also known as a door hinge protector, is a robust and easy-to-install device that can help all teachers and parents prevent fingers from accessing the dangerous gap between the door and the frame.

Most door hinge protectors available in the market are pretty straightforward to install. You do not have to depend on hiring a professional to do the job for you. Moreover, you don't even need any special equipment, tools, screws, or nails to install door finger guards on your own.

Where Is Finger Protection Important?

Door hinge protectors are vital in all environments where kids come in contact with several high-traffic doors. These environments include:

  • Department stores

  • Nursing homes, care homes

  • Nursery and schools

  • Public buildings

  • Stations, hotels, airports

  • Restaurants

  • Childminder premises

  • Commercial premises, etc.

You should also remember that the disabled and elderly are equally (if not more) vulnerable to any form of finger entrapment injuries as kids and can benefit significantly from such safety devices.

If you are a commercial property owner, you must make your vicinity as safe and secure as possible. Besides helping you avoid a visit to the emergency room, you can also stay clear of any legal notice from such injuries.

Put An End To Finger Entrapment Injuries Today!

Children are curious by nature. As parents or caretakers, you are responsible for ensuring all children are safe, even if they are not under adult supervision. With the help of a door finger guard, you can easily keep finger entrapment injuries at bay. Now that you understand there are various dangers of not having safety devices in place, it would be best for you to get professional door finger protectors installed across all high-traffic doors in your vicinity.

A door entrapment injury can be very painful. An emergency visit to the hospital can leave a daunting experience in a child's memory. Moreover, an amputation can have a significant effect on a child's life. Hence, we suggest all home and commercial property owners install door finger guards as soon as possible.