Viernes 29

Hoy es día de Inglés, Matemática y Religión / Taller de Emociones

Luego de tus clases desarrolla el desafío del día

Unit 1: ‘Globalization and Communication’

Sophomore Class

Grammar Focus: Present Perfect Continuous and Disjunctive Connectors

Objectives: To demonstrate reading comprehension to answer questions in reference to the tense in use.

"We are in a world where globalization, which is an ideology, has forgotten and put aside the people, the people's interests, aspirations, and dreams" - Marine Le Pen


Choose the right word, FOR or SINCE to complete the following sentences in Present Perfect Continuous.

Complete the sentences below using the present perfect continuous.

1. We always go to Ireland for our holidays. We _____________ there for years. (go)

2. He _____________ reports all weekend and has not had time to relax. (read)

3. He _____________ time all evening watching television. (waste)

4. She _____________ for the company for the last five years, so it is time she was promoted. (work)

Read the text below and answer the questions below.

Who are they? What have they been doing?

Marcus travels to Los Angeles a lot for work. In fact, he has been traveling to Los Angeles once a month for over a year. Every time he travels to Los Angeles, he stays at the same hotel. He likes the service at this hotel. He has been staying at this hotel at least 5 days every month for over a year.

Marcus's favorite employee at the hotel is Benjamin. Benjamin has been working at this hotel for 2 years. He usually works as a bellhop, but lately he has been training for a new job.

For the past 2 weeks, Benjamin has been training to become the assistant manager of the hotel. Marcus is proud of Benjamin because he knows Benjamin has been working hard the last 2 years.


  • 1. How often has Marcus been traveling to Los Angeles? About how many days a month has Marcus been staying at this hotel?

  • 2. For how many years has Benjamin been working at this hotel? What has he been doing lately?

  • 3. Why is Marcus proud of Benjamin?


Objetivo de Aprendizaje 1: Realizar cálculos y estimaciones que involucren operaciones con números reales: Utilizando la descomposición de raíces y las propiedades de las raíces. Combinando raíces con números racionales. Resolviendo problemas que involucren estas operaciones en contextos diversos.

Objetivo específico: Comprender y aplicar concepto de raíz.

Ahora comencemos con raíces.

Raíz enésima de un número real, recordemos.


1.- Explica la veracidad de cada igualdad.

Ahora te toca a ti, aplica lo aprendido

2. Clasifica los números como racionales o irracionales. Justifica


Unidad: Cumplir las metas y objetivos que me propongo en mi vida.

Objetivo de Aprendizaje: Reconocer que el valor de la perseverancia es un valor positivo para nuestra vida y que este me ayudará en mi futuro personal.

Realiza un tríptico sobre el valor de la perseverancia, si es necesario busca información en internet. Este debe contener:

  • El significado de la perseverancia.

  • El don de la fortaleza.

  • Cómo se puede adquirir.

  • 2 Ejemplos de famosos que en su vida hayan sido perseverantes.

  • La importancia de la perseverancia en nuestras vidas.

  • Recuerda pegar o dibujar imágenes en este.

  • Por último, pega el tríptico en tu cuaderno.


Que tengas un excelente fin de semana