Viernes 05

Hoy es día de Inglés, Matemática y Religión / Taller de Emociones

Luego de tus clases desarrolla el desafío del día

Unit 1: ‘Globalization and Communication’

OBJ: To demonstrate listening comprehension about a text based on the grammar in use; and know disjunctive connectors and their use in context. Sophomore Class

Grammar Focus: Present Perfect Continuous and Disjunctive Connectors

‘THE QUOTE OF THE DAY’: "We must create a kind of globalization that works for everyone... and not just for a few" - Nestor Kirchner.



agency – malicious – player – week – spies – rest – reports – reprehend – computer – low – ad – mean – miserable – pleasant – presence


Height: altura

Powerful: poderoso/a

Ruler: gobernante

Land: tierra

Coat: abrigo

Sightseeing: hacer turismo

Sunbathing: tomando sol

Boss: Ms. Hays! I have been waiting for Mr. Jones for 20 minutes. What's he been doing?

Hays: He has been playing Solitaire on the _________________, ma'am. He didn't come to the meeting.

Boss: Well, tell him that I have been expecting him since 9:30 this morning!

Hays: Yes, ma'am. I have been wondering when you were going to _________________ him

Jones: Mrs. Bubbleburster, you have been asking for my _________________.

Boss: Jones, you _________________, lazy bum! Have you been avoiding work all morning? My _________________have informed me that you have been wasting time with games since you arrived today.

Jones: That is not true, ma'am! I've been working on the final design for the soda _________________. All of the others have been talking and drinking coffee. They have not been helping me.

Boss: Well, I have been hearing terrible _________________about your work for a month now.

Jones: But, Mrs. Bubbleburster, you have been listening to _________________rumors. I have not told you until now. but I have never seen anyone except myself do work in this _________________.

Boss: Hmm, I have been asking myself for many months why production is _________________. Well, there will be serious consequences if the _________________ of the agency has been lying to me!

Jones: By the way, Mrs. Bubbleburster, what game have they been saying I play?

Boss: Solitaire. And now I understand exactly what they _________________.

Jones: Yes ma'am. Me, too. Now, may I return to my work? The soda company has been calling about this advertisement all _________________. I would like to finish it today.

Hays: Did you have a _________________talk with the boss?

Jones: Oh, yes! And now she knows that I am the only person who works in this agency. Or, maybe you would prefer to call me the solitary _________________.

Hays: Uh-oh!

Disjunctive Connectors: A disjunctive connector expresses a choice between two possibilities.

1. EITHER ... OR - It is used to express a possibility only between two options.

We can either eat now or after the show.

I am going to see you either on Monday or Tuesday.

2. NEITHER ... NOR - It is used to deny two possibilities.

Neither my mother nor my father went to university.

Wednesday is neither the first nor the last day of the week.

3. BOTH ... AND - It is used to talk about two people, things, places or actions within the same context.

I love both swimming and riding.

Both Peter and Jennifer are from Colorado state.

Complete the sentences using EITHER ... OR or NEITHER ... NOR.

EITHER ... OR: O … O



1. In English class we are going to discuss _________ about the height of the world’s mountains _________ about the powerful rulers who conquered many lands.

2. _________ his umbrella _________ his coat kept him dry.

3. When you're in Greece, you can go _________ sightseeing _________ sunbathing in your free time.

4. _________ the movie _________ the play was good.


Objetivo Aprendizaje 2: Mostrar que comprenden las relaciones entre potencias, raíces enésimas y logaritmos: Comparando representaciones de potencias de exponente racional con raíces enésimas en la recta numérica. Convirtiendo raíces enésimas a potencias de exponente racional y viceversa. Describiendo la relación entre potencias y logaritmos.

Resolviendo problemas rutinarios y no rutinarios que involucren potencias, logaritmos y raíces enésimas.


En esta etapa debes resolver tu solo.

Ahora te toca a ti




Presentación: Para esta actividad hablaremos de ASERTIVIDAD. Como ya aprendiste acerca de las emociones, qué son y cómo identificarlas, ahora el objetivo es que aprendas a EXPRESARLAS Y COMUNICARLAS.


Para cualquier pregunta o sugerencia con respecto al Taller o a nuestra área nos pueden contactar a través del correo: escribiendo en el asunto Nombre y Curso del Estudiante.

También nos pueden contactar a nuestros correos:

Francisca Muñoz, Psicóloga

Macarena Aravena,Trabajadora Social

Que tengas un excelente fin de semana