Stamford Township Papers "A-B"

Addison, Robert

On 2 Jan 1791 the Land Board read the petition of Isaiah Millard for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order was referred to Acting Surveyor General Augustus Jones who assigned to him two hundred acres in Lots 108 and 19 in the Township of No. 2. Note of A. McNabb on the revers: “There is a Deed Completed in the name of Isaiah Millard for 200 acres in Stamford dated 16 May 1798 Impounded in the Council by Mr. Chief Justice Allcock.” Note in the margin dated 13 Mar 1813: “No Deed for Isaiah Millard.” Added note of the Surveyor General’s Office dated 13 Mar 1813: “In 1796 Lots 108 & 109 in Stamford—Des: 4706 to Isaiah Millard & since allowed under the Comn. to the Revd. Robt. Addison & Thos. Dickson Esqr. Isaiah Millard the original nominee—whether the Deed under the above Description to the O. N. is or is not completed.” Added note of Thomas Ridout, Surveyor General dated 15 Mar 1813: “The original Deed to Isaiah Millard is impounded in the Council Office it appearing that it has been completed after his decease.” (Stamford Township Papers 0490, 0492, 0493)

Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith prepared an undated surveyor’s assignment for Isaiah Millard for two hundred acres of land in Lots 108 and 109 Stamford Twp. (Stamford Township Papers 0490)

On 15 Mar 1813 Surveyor General Thomas Ridout prepared a surveyor’s assignment for the Reverend Robert Addison of the Township of Niagara & Thomas Dickson of Queenston and their heirs upon the trust of the last will of Isaiah Millard deceased, for two hundred acres of land in Lots 108 and 109 Stamford Twp. as per 5th Claim Niagara Commission in September 1803. Augustus Jones 1 July 1790. Isaiah Millard the original nominee under a Land Board Certificate. (Stamford Township Papers 0495)

Aker, Lambert

On 9 Feb 1791 the Land Board read the petition of Adam Hutt for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order was referred to Acting Surveyor General Augustus Jones who assigned to him two hundred acres in Lots 9 and 10 in the Township of No. 2. Written in the margin: 16 acres to Lambert Aker by 8th claim of Niagara Commission Sept. 1809 of the above two hundred acres March 7th 1809. (Stamford Township Papers 0110)

On 15 Mar 1804, John Small, Secretary of The Executive Council order a description be issued under the Report of the Niagara Commission in Sep 1803 to Lambert Aker for the northwestern part of Lot 10 with a small part of the Fore in front in the limit between the Townships of Stamford and Thorold. (Stamford Township Papers 0104)

On 17 Mar 1804 The Executive Council of Upper Canada gave a grant to Lamber Aker of Stamford Twp., yeoman for the northwestern part of Lot No. 10 Stamford Twp. together with a small part of the Gore in Front thereof as per 8th Claim Niagara Commission Sep 1803. (Stamford Township Papers 0867)

On 27 Mar 1804 Acting Surveyors General Chewett and Ridout prepared an undated surveyor’s assignment for Lambert Aker of the Township of Stamford, yeoman for 16 acres in the northwestern part of Lot No. 10 together with a small part of the Gore in Front thereof in Stamford Twp. (Stamford Township Papers 0869)

Ayckler, William

On 18 Feb 1803 Ralfe Clench and Isaac Swayze certified that William Ayckler, an enrolled U. E. Loyalist living in the Township of Stamford has all his buildings and improvements on a lot of one hundred acres bounded on the one side by a lot of William Brown, on the other side by a lot of John Reily, and has been settled on said lot many years. Appended note: This appears to be Lot No. 91 on the Quebec Plan of Stamford. (Stamford Township Papers 0424)

On 20 Feb 1803 Acting Surveyors General Chewett and Ridout prepared a surveyor’s assignment for William Ayckler of Stamford Twp. for one hundred acres of land in Lot 91 Stamford Twp. as per an Order in Council dated 10 May 1797. (Stamford Township Papers 0426)

Batyes, Benjamin

On 22 Oct 1796 William Oldfield certified that he always understood David Baly owned the three hundred acres of land which he sold to Elsworth and if it is entered on the map in Benjamin Batyes name it must be wrong for he took his land on Chippawa and sold it to Mr. Whishun. Signed William Oldfield. Witnessed by Peter McMiking. (Stamford Township Papers 0722)

Baly/Bealey, Josiah

Benjamin Skinner, Adam Vrooman and William Oldfield certified that Benjamin Bealy when in this country was a child, that David Bealy his father took up the Lots No. 188 and 189 formerly in Stamford—that he is gone to the States upwards of 5 years ago. Benjamin Bale was the son. Signed Benjamin Skinner, Adam Vrooman and William Oldfield. Witnessed by Charles Willson. (Stamford Township Papers 0772)

On 6 Nov 1807 The Executive Council of Upper Canada gave a grant to Josiah Baly of Willings Twp., Genesee Co., United States, farmer as brother and heir at law of the late Benjamin Baly deceased for Lots 188 and 199 Stamford Twp. as per 1st Commission Report Jun 1807. (Stamford Township Papers 0766)

On 4 Nov 1807 Acting Surveyors General Chewett and Ridout ordered a surveyor’s assignment be issued for Josiah Baly for two hundred acres of land in Lots 188 and 189 Stamford Twp. the same having been claimed by and allowed to him under the first Claim of the Commissioners Report in Jun 1807. Benjamin Baly being the original nominee. (Stamford Township Papers 0768)

Bayley/Bealey, David

On 8 Oct 1796, Robert Hamilton, acting for the Settlement in the loan of provisions, certified that David Bayley was a settler in this County in 1788 and then borrowed provisions from the King’s Store to the amount of £8.15.0 and that Francis Ellsworth became possessed of his lands, stood in his place and has paid the provision at above borrowed by Bayley. (Stamford Township Papers 0720)

On 22 Oct 1796 William Oldfield certified that he always understood David Baly owned the three hundred acres of land which he sold to Elsworth and if it is entered on the map in Benjamin Batyes name it must be wrong for he took his land on Chippawa and sold it to Mr. Whishun. Signed William Oldfield. Witnessed by Peter McMiking. (Stamford Township Papers 0722)

Benjamin Skinner and William Oldfield certified that Lot No. 177 in Stamford was formerly taken up by David Bealey. Signed Benjamin Skinner and William Oldfield. Witness Charles Willson. (Stamford Township Papers 0718)

Bender, Philip

On 3 Jan 1791 the Land Board read the petition of Philip Bender for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order was referred to Acting Surveyor General Augustus Jones who assigned to him two hundred acres in Lots 111, 128 and 127 being broken lots in the Township of No. 2 (Stamford Township Papers 0498)

On 3 May 1791 the Land Board read the petition of Philip Bender for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order was referred to Acting Surveyor General Augustus Jones who assigned to him one hundred acres in Lot 129 in the Township of No. 2 (Stamford Township Papers 0566)

Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith prepared an undated surveyor’s assignment for Philip Bender for 290 acres of land in Lots 111, 127, 128 and 129 Stamford Twp. (Stamford Township Papers 0501)

Bowman, Adam

On 3 Jan 1791 the Land Board read the petition of Adam Bowman for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order was referred to the Surveyor General’s office and on 7 Jul 1794 D. W. Smith assigned to him one hundred acres in Lot 38 in the Township of No. 2 (Stamford Township Papers 0206)

On 3 May 1791 the Land Board read the petition of Robert Campbell for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order remained unassigned. On the reverse Adam Bowman certified on 21 Aug 1795 that he had no claim to the lot of land where Robert Campbell now lived on. Signed by Adam Bowman and witnessed by David Secord. (Stamford Township Papers 0186, 0188)

Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith prepared an undated surveyor’s assignment for Robert Campbell for one hundred acres of land in Lot 32 Stamford Twp. as per Land Board Certificate of 11 Oct 1794 and Adam Bowman’s Certificate 21 Aug 1795. Note of D. W. Smith: NB Adam Bowman’s name was on this Lot, by the plan. See his surrender attached to the Certificate. (Stamford Township Papers 0184)

Bowman, Jacob

On 3 Jan 1791 the Land Board read the petition of Jacob Bowman for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order was referred to Acting Surveyor General Augustus Jones who assigned to him two hundred acres in Lots 57 and 59 in the Township of No. 2 (Stamford Township Papers 0283)

Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith prepared an undated surveyor’s assignment for Jacob Bowman for two hundred acres of land in Lots 57 and 59 Stamford Twp. (Stamford Township Papers 0281)

Brian/Bryan, Widow

On 3 May 1792 the Land Board read the petition of Robert Richardson, surgeon for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order was referred to Acting Surveyor General Augustus Jones who assigned to him two hundred acres in Lots 3 and 4 in the Township of No. 2. Note of Augustus Jones: The above lots No. 3 and 4 are fronting Chippeway. Numbered from the mouth upwards. Note in the margin: These lots have been long possessed by widow Brian and sold by her to R. Hamilton who gives up right and title to Robert Richardson of the Queen’s Rangers. (Stamford Township Papers 0853)

On 21 Oct 1796 Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith prepared a surveyor’s assignment for Robert Richardson for two hundred acres of land in Lots 3 and 4 fronting on Chippewa in the Township No. 2 which lots upon Major Holland’s Plan are 222 and 221 in the Township of Stamford with Bryans name on 222 and John Burch on 223 (sic). In the margin of the certificate of the Land Board 3 May 1792—to Robert Richardson, Surgeon. N. B. These lots have been long possessed by Widow Bryan and sold by her to R. Hamilton who gives up his right and title to Robert Richardson of the Queens Rangers. (Stamford Township Papers 0856)

Burch, John

On 3 Jan 1791 the Land Board read the petition of John Burch for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order was referred to Acting Surveyor General Augustus Jones who assigned to him two hundred acres in Lots 43 and 56 in the Township of No. 2 (Stamford Township Papers 0222)

On 13 Sep 1794 the Land Board read the petition of Andrew Miller for a grant of two hundred acres of land in Township No. 2 (Stamford) and found him qualified to receive two hundred acres of land. The order was referred to Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith who on 1 Jun 1795 assigned to him 70 acres in Lot 2 on the Chippeway in the Township of No. 2. Note of D. W. Smith: No. 223 on Major Holland’s plan. Note of the Land Board dated 13 Sep 1794 on the reverse: The Land Board Consent to the transfer of the within Lot No. 2 from Andrew Miller to John Burch Esq. (Stamford Township Papers 0859, 860)

On 19 Aug 1796 Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith prepared an undated surveyor’s assignment for John Burch for 570 acres of land in Lots 191, 192, 193, 223 and 224 with broken lots adjoining to Lots 191 and 192 Stamford Twp. (Stamford Township Papers 0229)

On 21 Oct 1796 Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith prepared a surveyor’s assignment for Robert Richardson for two hundred acres of land in Lots 3 and 4 fronting on Chippewa in the Township No. 2 which lots upon Major Holland’s Plan are 222 and 221 in the Township of Stamford with Bryans name on 222 and John Burch on 223 (sic). In the margin of the certificate of the Land Board 3 May 1792—to Robert Richardson, Surgeon. N. B. These lots have been long possessed by Widow Bryan and sold by her to R. Hamilton who gives up his right and title to Robert Richardson of the Queens Rangers. (Stamford Township Papers 0856)

John Burch wife and mother sold to Joshua Pell 100 acres Lot No. 9 Concession 4 Grantham. Deed dated 20th March 1810. (Stamford Township Papers 0775)