Humberstone Township Papers "M-N"

Mabee, Lewis

On 10 Dec 1805 an Order in Council of Upper Canada was given to Lewis Mabee, of Willoughby, Yeoman for 300 acres to complete his military entitlement under a recommendation of the Executive Council of Upper Canada dated 10 Aug 1795 and registered on 9 Jul 1796. The lot was described as 70 acres in the the front or southerly part of Lot 9 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. by Chewett and Ridout, Acting Surveyors General on 22 Apr 1807. This also mentions 130 acres in Willoughby Twp. and 100 acres in Bertie Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0077)

On 23 Jun 1853 Dexter D’Everardo, Registrar of Welland wrote a letter requesting a description of the land granted to James House and Lewis Mabee in Lot 4 Broken Front Concession Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0030)

On 5 Dec 1853 Zenas Fell, Public Land Surveyor submitted a survey plan and description and certified an ungranted part of Lot 9 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. noting it to be occupied by Abraham and Nicholas Michael whose grandfather Nicholas Michael who in 1827 purchased it and began clearing the land. It was now all cleared except five acres. He noted the nearby Lewis Mabee 70 acre grant had no improvements and was covered by a Black Ash swamp. Another fifty acres granted to James House was then in 1840 conveyed to and occupied by Jacob Bearss (Humberstone Township Papers 0079)

Macaul, Elijah

On 28 Apr 1858 Elijah McCaul (sic: Macaul) of Humberstone Twp., carpenter appeared before John Thompson, a Commissioner for taking affidavits in the Queens Bench for the County of Welland. He swore an oath that in or about 1845 the agent for the Church Wardens of Fort Erie entered into an agreement to rent him Lot 18 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. and gave him a written lease. McCaul called on the occupant William Steele and demanded possession. Steele refused to give it up and said if McCaul trespassed on the lot he would prosecute. McCaul then notified the agent who promised to give him possession but failed to do so. Signed by Elijah Macaul. (Humberstone Township Papers 0571)

McDowall, Andrew

At Fort Erie on 26 Jun 1795 Andrew McDowall wrote to Acting Surveyor General David W Smith stating he went to Sugar Loaf as per his directions and found the lots he mentioned numbers 20-23 and 25-29 Front being very marshy in front. He requested instead 400 acres in Long Point. McDowall was departing next day for the States intending to return with his family in October (Humberstone Township Papers 0155, 0156)

McKay, Francis

On 7 Jun 1794 the Executive Council of Upper Canada gave a grant to Francis McKay for 200 acres of land (Humberstone Township Papers 0271)

On 7 Jun 1794 Acting Surveyor General D W Smith gave a location to Francis McKay for 200 acres in Lot 20 Concession 2 in the Township of Sugarloaf East (Humberstone) (Humberstone Township Papers 0271)

Acting Surveyor General D W Smith gave an undated description to Francis McKay for 200 acres in Lot 20 Concession 2 in Humberstone Township (Humberstone Township Papers 0274)

McLaughlin, John

On 19 Nov 1840 Robert B Sullivan, Commissioner of Crown Lands wrote to John Lyons Esq. requesting he send Militia right number 1106 for 100 acres in favour of John Campbell assigned to Samuel Street in order that he may have the former assigned to Peter Grady the purchaser of 26 acres in the north part of Lot 21 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. Sullivan also requested the UE right number 1104 for 200 acres in favour of Adam Gould also assigned to Samuel Street then to John McLaughlin the purchaser of the south part of Lot 9 Concession 8 Crowland Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0293)

McMicken, G

In a letter dated at Toronto on 9 Mar 1858 G McMicken wrote to the Commission of Crown Lands requesting a description of Lot 12 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp as granted to Frederick Rowe on 17 May 1802. (Humberstone Township Papers 0254)

Michael, Abraham and Nicholas

On 5 Dec 1853 Zenas Fell, Public Land Surveyor submitted a survey plan and description and certified an ungranted part of Lot 9 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. noting it to be occupied by Abraham and Nicholas Michael whose grandfather Nicholas Michael in 1827 purchased it and began clearing the land. It was now all cleared except five acres. He noted the nearby Lewis Mabee 70 acre grant had no improvements and was covered by a Black Ash swamp. Another fifty acres granted to James House was then in 1840 conveyed to and occupied by Jacob Bearss (Humberstone Township Papers 0079)

A report of a committee of the Executive Council of Upper Canada dated 23 Aug 1854 and approved by the Governor General on 25 Aug 1854 granted a petition of Nicholas Michael and Abraham Michael for a patent as tenants in common of 62 acres 12 perches in the centre part of Lot 9 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. of which they were in occupation under a claim derived from their grandfather Nicholas Michael and the whole of which is cleared with the exception of five acres. (Humberstone Township Papers 0086)

On 30 Aug 1854 the Crown Land Office transferred to the Selling Branch of the Department 62 acres 12 perches in the centre part of Lot 9 Concession 1 Humbestone Twp. in order to be sold to Nicholas Michael and Abraham Michael under Order in Council of Upper Canada of 25 Aug 1854 at a valuation by the local agent subject to approval. (Humberstone Township Papers 0083)

Molyneux, William

On 17 Mar 1795 William Molyneux, thirty years of age, born in Dublin, farmer was examined and took the prescribed oaths and was recommended by John Small for a grant of 200 acres of land. On 18 Mar 1795 The Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith gave a certificate describing Lot 18 in the front concession of Humberstone Twp. to William Molyneux (Humberstone Township Papers 0143)

On 9 Mar 1796 John Pettay certified that he gave up his right for Lot 10 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. to William Mulynon. Witnessed by Mathis Richardson. (Humberstone Township Papers 0094)

Moore, John

On 6 Jan 1816 Surveyor General Thomas Ridout gave a survey to John Moore of Bertie Twp., yeoman for 200 acres in Lot 1 Concession 1 and Broken Front on Lake Erie, Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0006)

On 7 Jan 1816 the Lieutenant Governor’s Office permitted John Moore to locate his grant of land in Lot 1 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0004)

Moore, Thomas

On 6 Feb 1830 the Executive Council of Upper Canada read a petition of Thomas Moore of Bertie Twp. for the purchase of Lot 7 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. on which there is an improvement. The Council of Upper Canada ordered notice placed in the Upper Canada Gazette for Alexander Woodman to make good his claim within six months and if no person should appear the Commissioner of Crown Lands be authorized to dispose of the lot to the petitioner. (Humberstone Township Papers 0373)

On 16 Aug 1830 Thomas Moore wrote to Peter Robinson the Commissioner of Crown Lands noting six months had elapsed since Council of Upper Canada granted him Lot 7 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. If noone had come forward he would pay for the land. He also noted a similar lot in the vicinity granted about five years ago to Jacob Sherk was nearly all capable of improvement. The lot granted to Moore is nearly half lying in the cranberry marsh and not capable of improvement. (Humberstone Township Papers 0375)

On 29 Nov 1830 John Warren, J. P. wrote to Peter Warren, Commissioner of Crown Lands, saying he was in the neighbourhood of Lot 7 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. but did not go onto the land as it is an utter swamp with the exception of a (.........). The rear 100 acres is marsh. Warren recommended a price of 31.5.0 pounds be the full value of the whole lot. Jacob Sherk said five years ago he purchased Lot 2 Concession 2 Humberstone 200 acres, a much better lot for 37.10 (Humberstone Township Papers 0377)

Murray, Elizabeth

On 5 Nov 1807 William Firth, Attourney General approved a grant to Elizabeth Murray of Niagara Twp., spinster, heiress at law of her brother the late John Murray, deceased for part of the north end of Lot 21 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0279, 0281)

On 5 Nov 1807 William Firth, Attourney General approved a grant to Elizabeth Murray of Niagara Twp., spinster, heiress at law of her father the late Lieut. Duncan Murray, deceased for part of the north Half of Lot 4 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0495)

On 5 Nov 1807 William Firth, Attourney General approved a grant to Elizabeth Murray of Niagara Twp., spinster, heiress at law of her father the late Lieut. Duncan Murray, deceased for part of the north Half of Lot 11 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0501, 0503)

On 9 Nov 1807 Elizabeth Murray of Niagara Twp., spinster, heiress at law of her brother the late John Murray, deceased was given a surveyor’s description for 50 acres of land in part of the north end of Lot 12 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. by Acting Surveyors General Chewett and Ridout under a grant to Quartermaster John Murray dated 9 Jul 1796 (Humberstone Township Papers 0277)

Neafe, Abraham

On 31 May 1794 the Land Board gave a certificate for a single lot of two hundred acres of land to Abraham Neafe. On 31 May 1794 Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith gave a certificate to Abraham Neafe for 200 acres in Lot 30 Concession 2 Township of Sugarloaf East (Humberstone) (Humberstone Township Papers 0331)

Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith gave an undated survey to Abraham Neafe for 200 acres in Lot 30 Concession 2 Humberstone Township. (Humberstone Township Papers 0034)

On 15 Jul 1794 the Executive Council of Upper Canada read the petition of Abraham Neafe noting he had received Lot 30 Concession 2 Township of Sugarloaf East (Humberstone) and previous to the survey had erected a valuable improvement on that lot and on Lot 29. He requested a grant to cover his improvement which he has made at great expense and labour. The Council of Upper Canada ordered this granted if vacant. (Humberstone Township Papers 0328)

On 24 Apr 1795 Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith gave a certificate to Abraham Neafe for 200 acres in Lot 29 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0326)

On 17 Mar 1797 Abraham Neafe was given a surveyor’s description of Lot 29 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. under Order-in-Council of Upper Canada of 15 Jul 1794 (Humberstone Township Papers 0323)

Neafe, Jacob

On 31 May 1794 the Land Board gave a certificate to Jacob Neafe for 200 acres of land and Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith assigned to him 200 acres in Lot 27 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0434)

On 17 Mar 1797 Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith gave Jacob Neafe a survey for 200 acres in Lot 27 Concession 3 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0436)

Neave, John

On 5 Apr 1794 William Dale sold to John Naff [sic: Neave] his improvement on Lot 31 East Part of Sugarloaf. Signed William Dale. (Humberstone Township Papers 0197)

On 5 Apr 1794 The Executive Council of Upper Canada gave to John Neave a certificate for 200 acres of land and on 15 May 1794 Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith assigned to him Lot 31 in the front concession of Sugar Loaf East (Humberstone Township Papers 0199)

On 8 Sep 1796 Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith prepared for John Neave a description of his Lot 31 Concession 1 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0194)

Neff, Daniel

On 17 Mar 1836 David Neff wrote to Surveyor General Peter Robinson requesting purchase from the Crown of the Clergy Reserve Lot 17 Concession 4 Humberstone Twp. (Signed Daniel Neff) (Humberstone Township Papers 0534)

Neff, David

On 19 Apr 1831 David Neff made application to Peter Robinson, Commissioner of Crown Lands to purchase the north end of Lot 21 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. On 4 Feb 1833 Surveyor General S. J. Hardy noted the land containing 26 acres was vacant. (Humberstone Township Papers 0282, 0283)

On 21 Feb 1832 John Warren valued the land at two shillings per acre (Humberstone Township Papers 0285)

Neafe, Peter

On 31 May 1794 the Land Board gave a certificate for a single lot of two hundred acres of land to Peter Neafe. On 31 May 1794 Acting Surveyor General D. W. Smith gave a certificate to Peter Neafe for 200 acres in Lot 31 Concession 2 Township of Sugarloaf East (Humberstone) (Humberstone Township Papers 0331)

On 17 Mar 1797 Peter Neafe was given a surveyor’s description of Lot 31 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0323)

Neville, John

On 30 Mar 1794 the Executive Council of Upper Canada granted to John Neville a lot of two hundred acres of land. On 15 May 1794 Acting Surveyor General D W Smith assigned to Neville 200 acres in Lot 24 Concession 2 Township of Sugarloaf East (Humberstone) (Humberstone Township Papers 0305)

Acting Surveyor General D W Smith gave to John Neville an undated description of Lot 24 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0308)

Neville, Moses

On 29 Mar 1794 the Executive Council of Upper Canada granted to Moses Neville a lot of two hundred acres of land. On 15 May 1794 Acting Surveyor General D W Smith assigned to Neville 200 acres in Lot 23 Concession 2 Township of Sugarloaf East (Humberstone) (Humberstone Township Papers 0299)

Acting Surveyor General D W Smith gave to Moses Neville an undated description of Lot 23 Concession 2 Humberstone Twp. (Humberstone Township Papers 0302)