Week of ... 

December 19, 2021


the wildcat way...

Congratulations Andrea Coffman

Contributor, Citizenship, Recognizes the importance of their role in our connected world; Involvement, Willing to actively engage to make a positive difference; Community Oriented, Able to balance self-interest with the needs of society.  

Andrea is the lead student in working the lights and sound in the AHS Auditorium for events.  She is always willing to drop what she is doing to ensure that the show will go on...  This week, Mrs. Haugerud reached out to her to see if she would be interested in showing others the ropes and build our capacity as the last two years have not been very busy and the crew has dwindled.  She was super supportive to accept and started to find those interested in learning the role.  She is a go getter and stepped up when asked.  We appreciate her and recognize her as the Wildcat Way student for this week.

student of the week

Congratulations Aubrie Wilson

Aubrie Wilson, December 13, 2021 - 2021-2022

Counselor Corner:

Are you falling behind in your classes?  Are you unhappy with your grades?  Christmas Break is the perfect time to get some catching up done.  Take the opportunity on Monday and Tuesday to ask your teachers about what you can still make up.  Use the break to get some assignments done.  If you work on make up assignments for even a 1/2 hour each day of break you will get several assignments done.  Go through your back back to find partially done or completely done assignments to complete and turn in.  It is not too late to pass the classes you are struggling in!  You can do it if you make up your mind and put in the effort over break.

Happy Holidays from the counseling staff!

how to report threats/concerns 

OK2SAY is the student safety program which allows students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at students, school employees, and schools. It uses a comprehensive communication system to facilitate tip sharing among students, parents, school personnel, community mental health service programs, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and law enforcement officials about harmful behaviors that threaten to disrupt the learning environment.



As a reminder during the school day, all doors at AHS are locked except for the Student Entry in the Front Oval to the left of the Wildcat and the Main Entrance in the Back Oval.  Parents and visitors must mask and sign in a the Main Office.   It is important that students not let individuals into the building without proper identification.  If an adult is asking to enter, please direct them to the Back Oval and apologize that you cannot let them in the building.  It is important that we do this 100% of the time.

AdviseMI Announcements

Scholarship of the Week- Michigan Legion William and Jewell Brewer/Guy Wilson Scholarship- open to all seniors who are descendants of U.S. Veteran (child, grandchild, great-grandchild etc.), 20 $500 scholarships available, due January 4th, Apply Here 

Bonus Scholarship Opportunity- All Dual Enrolled or Early College Students- you can win up to $500 for writing an essay about what a beloved community means to you. Use this time over break to make some cash, due Jan 3rd, email essay to abelovedcommunity.alpena@gmail.com. More Information Here (MLK Essay Contest)

Remember the list of scholarships on the AHS website can be found here, winter break is a great time to apply for scholarships and finish your FAFSA. If any questions do arise over break please email me and I will do my best to respond in a timely manner- deckerb@alpenaschools.com. Also be sure to take some time to relax and celebrate your hard work. I am wishing you all a joyful holiday season- take care of yourself and the ones you love! See you in 2022! 

Happy holidays to all all of our students and families as you head into the break.  We appreciate you all and wish you a safe and restful vacation with family and friends.  We will see you in 2022 and let's all make it a great year.

AHS Staff 

Leadership's Holiday Spirit Week

Monday  Holiday Finest

Tuesday  Christmas Jammies


On Tuesday, 45North competed and placed second in the VE Michigan Business Plan Competition.  The firm is led by Paige Timmreck, Michael Hynek, Alison Borowski, Gabi Kamyszek, Avery Dubey and Grace Samp. The top 2 firms advance to the VE National Business Plan Competition in New York City planned for April 2022. In addition,  members of 45N participated in a trade show with other VE firm.

AHS Marketing-- 45North


Lookout New York 45North is coming to town!

DECA Districts 2021.pdf

Deca disricts-- congrats

Alpena DECA was successful once again at district competition. Fourteen students competed and seven students received medals and will be moving on to compete at DECA States in March.

The State competitors are Gianna Bolda, Karlin Decker, Gabi Kamyszek, Eden Gray, Aili Lee, William Shultz and Paige Timmreck.


After meeting with the teaching staff in department settings, it was determined that AHS will suspend the current Attendance Policy (Page 18 of Alpena High School Student/Parent Handbook) based upon the current COVID/quarantine issues facing our student population and families for SEMESTER 1 ONLY.  

There have been many inquiries regarding the Attendance Review Board (ARB) and doctor’s notes.  Currently, over 550 AHS students have 8 or more absences.  Attending school has been a struggle for some families with multiple COVID outbreaks, but with Brightspace and teacher communication, students have been able to stay connected and continue learning.  It is not optimal, but it is the situation that AHS students are facing due to the health concerns.

Truancy is still being monitored as an ongoing process and is being handled on a case-by-case basis with Dean Florip and School Success, Mrs. Siegert.  The Assistant Principals are working with each student as attendance issues are addressed. 

Staff Bathrooms

Since the start of the year, teachers have had multiple incidents of students using the Staff Bathrooms in D, E and F Houses.  The rooms are clearly marked as "Staff" and yet, it continues to happen.  The bathrooms are not to be used by students as each house and in all areas of the building have clearly marked student restrooms-- please help with the student restrooms.  

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Weekly Home and Away Athletic Events

Sunday, December 19th


Monday, December 20th

Girls JV Basketball at 5:30pm vs. Sault Area HS - at Home

Girls Varsity Basketball at 7pm vs. Sault Area HS- at Home

Boys Freshman Basketball at 5:30pm at Sault Area HS

Boys JV Basketball at 5:30pm at Sault Area HS

Boys Varsity Basketball at 7pm at Sault Area HS

Tuesday, December 21st

Boys Hockey at 5pm at Cadillac High School

Wednesday, December 22nd


Thursday, December 23rd


Friday, December 24th

Merry Christmas!!!

Saturday, December 25th

Merry Christmas!!

Upcoming Events: