Week of October 17, 2021


the wildcat way...

Congratulations on your selection Mya

Mya Bellanger

Culturally Minded:  Mya embraces all of the characteristics in trait-- Globally Aware, Compassionate, and Embrace Diversity which can all be witnessed in what she accomplished beginning in the 4th grade and culminates in what she leads next week.  Thank you, Mya, for believing that we can all be better and "make it end."

My name is Mya Bellanger, and I am a senior here at AHS. I introduced Unity Day to Besser Elementary as a fourth grader, in 2013. Since then, I have had the pleasure of seeing my visions and goals come to fruition. Unity Day is celebrated annually in October (National Bullying Prevention Month) and was created by PACER’s National Bullying Prevention Center. This year, it occurs on Wednesday, October 20th. I strongly encourage you to join myself and others across the world in wearing orange on Wednesday. This act of unity will represent your support toward anti-bullying. The overall goal of this event is to build a sense of hope and support for children, as they, nor anyone else should have to experience bullying. My personal objective is to make Unity Day recognized and commemorated within our community for many years to come. Make it orange, make it end!

     Unity Day 

National Bullying Prevention Month

Take the pledge...

At AHS, students & staff are making a commitment to make a difference.  You are being challenged to take a stand and let's get 100% participation in taking the Pledge to make a difference and be part of the solution by supporting Anti Bullying.

A great resource: National Bullying Prevention Center

School Success Spotlight, Mrs. Siegert (Room E110)

Celebrating Unity Day is a great time to talk about PEER MEDIATION. What's peer mediation you ask? Peer mediation is a process in which two students involved in a conflict can meet with trained mediators to peacefully work out their issues before it becomes a serious problem. Many times, students resort to unhealthy ways of dealing with conflicts by bullying, harassing or being mean to each other. Mediation helps eliminate some of those situations by opening communication, finding solutions and making agreements. Alpena High School has offered peer mediation services to students for the last several years through our own NorthStar Mediation Services. Want to get involved and become a mediator? Stop in to the School Success Office for more info. Need a mediation to solve an issue? Email peermediation@alpenaschools.com or siegertl@alpenaschools.com 

Senior (Student only) Graduation Meeting with Jostens on Thursday, October 21st, at 9:35 a.m.  (during Advisory) in the Auditorium

Counselor Corner:   Quality Family Time--Unplugged!!!

Did you know that 48% of Americans spend 5 hours or more per day looking at a screen?  As the time spent on devices increases, social skills are declining.  Eye contact, phone skills, conversation skills, attention span, and spatial awareness are all on the decline.   As social media connects us within the digital realm, it is creating a social skills deficit in our kids.  How do we combat this?

As a family, set aside the phones, television, Chromebooks etc. and interact with each other one evening a week. Some ideas for your unplugged evening are:

Play cards or a board game as a family  

Visit the local Library (the little free library boxes around town--one by Mango's and one at the Boat Harbor)

Have a camp in with S'mores

Scavenger hunt

Take a walk together

Visit neighbors (especially the elderly)

Cook dinner together 

Go to a local attraction such as Dinosaur Gardens or Besser Museum 

Use your imagination.  Unplug and promote social interaction without a device while creating family memories!

This may be uncomfortable at first for some people.  Remember, for children, love is spelled T-I-M-E, so your efforts are important, even though teenagers might not recognize the significance of these activities right away.

AdviseMI Announcements

Remember list of scholarships (month by month) can be found here 

Up North Prevention 

Alpena High School Parents and Students, 

Next week begins the next chapter in our prevention relationship.  On Tuesday, I will begin teaching a class on vaping and the myths that surround it.  The program is new and is currently geared towards students that bring vapes to school; however, the goal is to teach and bring awareness to this new fad that is growing in popularity.

If parents, students or staff have any questions surrounding vaping, please do not hesitate to contact me at cspencer@catholichumanservices.org.  The question can be completely confidential, and the conversation can be one on one if desired.  

Remember, we are all in this together and every choice matters. 


Chet Spencer

Prevention Specialist

Up North Prevention, Alpena 

Freshman Bash.pdf

KAPUT event for 9th and 10th graders



AHS students who have a NEW student ID can come down to the athletic office in F-House to purchase an all sports pass for $30. They will receive a sticker on their Student ID that can be used to get in to all athletic games for the 2021-22 school year. 


Monday, October 18th

Girls Freshman and JV Volleyball at 5pm - at Traverse City Central HS

Girls Varsity Volleyball at 6pm - at Traverse City Central HS

Tuesday, October 19th

Cross Country BNC Championship at 4pm - at Petoskey High School

Wednesday, October 20th

Girls Freshman and JV Volleyball vs. Petoskey High School at 5pm  - at Petoskey High School

Girls Varsity Volleyball vs. Petoskey High School at 6:30pm  - at Petoskey High School

Thursday, October 21st


Friday, October 22nd

JV Football vs. St. Johns Highs School at 4pm - at Home

Varsity Football vs. St. Johns Highs School at 7pm - at Home

Saturday, October 23rd

Cross Country Northern Michigan Championship TBD - at Michaywe Pines Golf Course

The Wildcat Branch

We're Open and Ready to Serve You!

Did you know that we share branch with other credit unions? This means if you have an account at another credit union we can still assist you with most of  your financial needs.

Join AAACU Today!

 If you don't have an account we would love to help you get one set up. Stop by the Wildcat Branch located inside the Media Center during 4th hour/Lunch Hours and let us assist you. 

No Costumes for Halloween

Upcoming Events: