Week of ... 

October 9, 2022


The Wildcat Way...

Congratulations on your selection...

Wesley Elliott, Brenden Rondeau, Noah Hanner, & Edward Donajkowski

Contributor: Citizenship- Recognize the importance of their role in our connected world; Involvement- Willing to actively engage to make a positive difference; Community Oriented- Able to balance self-interest with the needs of society.

These four gentlemen stepped in when the need arose. They not only helped staff members but helped fellow students. Thank you for making quick decisions for the common good of our school community.

Early Release Schedule 2022 - 2023

Tuesday, October 11

Please see our early release schedule for this Tuesday, as teachers will be completing professional learning.


unity day 

rachel's challenge wednesday, october 19th

We will operate on the same time schedule for the day ~ see the flyer below with the time schedule.

Rachel's Challenge Presentation Schedule
RC Community Event Flyer.pdf


Every year on the third or fourth Wednesday in October, a very special event comes around — the Day of Unity, or Unity Day, as it is commonly called, which is celebrated on October 19 this year. This is the signature event of National Bullying Prevention Month, also celebrated in October. Multiple anti-bullying campaigns — of which Unity Day is one of them, are organized during this period. The key message of this month, and this day, is to unite for kindness, courage, and inclusion, to prevent students from being bullied. 

How To Make AHS A Better Place ~

October is National Bullying Prevention Month, and at AHS we are committed to keeping a safe and stable climate for everyone. These are some ways that we can observe National Bullying Prevention Month in a positive manner:

1) Students, you can practice empathy: Reach out to new classmates that you see-especially ones that appear to be struggling. Report bullies/harassment to teachers and other staff when you see them. Don't let the victims of bullying suffer in silence.

2) Teachers, you can reward students who show respect to others. Positive reinforcement definitely works! Students who show respect for other students, staff and the school itself deserve your accolades. 

3) Celebrate National Unity Day, which is October 19th

4) If you need help resolving an issue, contact Mr. Robarge, School Success to work with a peer mediator. Peer mediators do not take sides or place blame on anyone.

student climate team

We have wrapped up our first mural and are excited to get ready for Rachel's Challenge & Unity Day! Would you like more information about the Student Climate Team? Follow us on Instagram, @ahs_studentclimate, or check out our website!


~ Need to kee- this in mind & KINDNESS  matters!

Student hallway language continues to be a problem.  Students often don't realize that their conversations are overheard by staff and visitors.  Visitors have noted how offensive the language is and does not portray the culture that we are building at AHS.  All forms of inappropriate language are highly discouraged.  Students must choose their words carefully and consciously.  


Sports for the Week ~ Go Cats!


Picture day proofs have arrived and the physical hardcopy proof will be distributed in Advisory, 3rd hour, Monday October 10. 


The order deadline date of 10/6/22 has been EXTENDED to October 17th.  The proof includes easy-to-follow online ordering instructions. Cash/check orders need to be returned to the Main Office on or before October 17th.


If your student was not photographed, RETAKE day is Wednesday, October 12th, in the morning only. 

After School Tutoring!

We are continuing to offer tutoring assistance after school for all AHS students! Our first session is this Wednesday, October 12. This will be staffed by AHS teachers and assistance can be provided in any subject.  Tutoring sessions will be held in the Media Center from 2:45 to 3:45pm every Monday and Wednesday that students have a full-day.  Specific information for each week will be posted in student announcements.  Students do not need to sign up in advance and students are responsible for their own transportation.  Please contact Mr. Pattison @  pattisonj@alpenaschools.com if you have any questions.

Alpena-70 (1).pdf


are now $70.

After Dec 1st the price goes up to $75

Yearbook Senior Info 22-23

Senior pictures - November 23rd

If you don’t turn in a personal picture, your Student ID Picture will be used.

We can take print copies of pictures. HOWEVER we recommend digital submissions for better picture quality. 

Digital submissions can be sent to ahsyearbook@alpenaschools.com. Please include the students first and last name with the submission. 

SENIOR MEETING ~ VERY IMPORTANT     Tuesday, October 18th

Josten's Senior Meeting, Tuesday, October 18th at 9:30 - 10:30AM in the Auditorium

Attention Seniors!!   Seniors can start working on their Free Application for Federal State Aid (FAFSA) for the 2023-24 school year after October 1. Need some assistance? We will be holding a FAFSA Completion Lab to help you submit your FAFSA on Oct. 13, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in the Media Center.  

Bring the following with you:  

See you on 10/13!

             College Month  is here! 

Seniors and parents, take note of all the events happening in October for College Month!

* On college visits encourage students to stop in and talk with reps and ask questions. They will be set up in Media Center .

*Encourage all seniors to apply to at least 2 colleges, as I have a raffle for an Amazon gift card.  Entry sheets are in the senior lounge.

*Take note on the free applications for colleges during October. Some have codes and deadlines. Best time to apply is NOW!

Do you need to talk about your next steps? Come chat! I can help with scholarships, applications, FAFSA and much more.

My scheduling link : https://calendly.com/aps-mcan-adviser/30min

Join our BAND app for all updates and events.


Any questions reach out to Mrs. Taratuta 




More details to follow ~ it will be a great time.

Upcoming Events:


OK2SAY is the student safety program which allows students to confidentially report tips on potential harm or criminal activities directed at students, school employees, and schools. It uses a comprehensive communication system to facilitate tip sharing among students, parents, school personnel, community mental health service programs, the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, and law enforcement officials about harmful behaviors that threaten to disrupt the learning environment.
