Band Saw – Safety Rules Jefferson County Public Schools

1. Operate only with instructor’s permission and after you have received instruction. Inform the instructor if this machine is not operating correctly.

2. Remove jewelry, eliminate loose clothing, and confine long hair.

3. Make sure all guards are in place and operating correctly.

4. Always use proper eye protection and avoid distractions.

5. Check to see that the upper blade guide clears the stock by one-quarter inch.

6. Plan sawing procedure so there is a maximum forward feed with a minimum of backing out of cuts.

7. Allow the machine to come to full speed before starting a cut.

8. Allow no one to stand to the right of the band while in use. A broken blade could fly out in that direction.

9. Make adjustments only when the machine is at a dead stop.

10. Never reach around the blade of a running band saw. Use a helper when necessary.

11. Ask the instructor to approve all special set-up.

12. Place a support under long or wide work pieces.

13. Do not cut any material which does not lay flat on the work table. If it is necessary to cut round stock, do so only with a holding jig.

14. Feed material into machine at a moderate rate of speed. Never Force the cut.

15. Do not attempt to cut a smaller radius curve than the blade will allow.

16. Do not have your hands directly in line with the saw blade when cutting. Keep your fingers a safe distance from the blade. Use a push stick when necessary.

17. If the band saw blade should break: Shut off the power. Stand back away from the machine until it comes to a complete stop. (DON’T TOUCH THE BROKEN BLADE). Notify the instructor.

18. When finished using the band saw, one should: Turn off the power, wait until the machine has come to a complete stop. Clean scraps from the machine, and return the upper blade glide assembly to a down position.