Shop Safety

Hand tools Fabrication Equipment Power Tools Automated Tools

General Safety Rules

When working in a fabrication area or using fabrication tools anywhere it is very important to make safety a priority. Fabrication tools (tools used to assemble or change the size/shape of parts) often have sharp, moving, or heavy parts that pose potential safety hazards. Such tools require safety rules that must be followed in order to prevent injury to the operator or other people in the area. You will be tested on these safety rules before you will be allow to work in the fabrication lab. To pass any safety test you need to earn a 100% because it is not acceptable to now know or understand any of these rules.

    1. Make sure you are properly wearing eye protection…
      1. Before you enter the fabrication area.
      2. While you or others are using or preparing to use tools.
    2. Wear shoes that will traction to prevent slips and covered toes and heel.
    3. Before working confine long hair and make sure you have no loose clothing or jewelry that could get caught on tools or machines while working.
    4. Enter the fabrication area only with instructor’s permission.
    5. Work only on approved projects and with instructor is supervision.
    6. Use power tools only with instructor’s permission.
    7. Plan your work and always layout (draw lines on material) accurately.
      1. The safe way is the best way
      2. Measure twice, cut once.
    8. Securely clamp your material before cutting, drilling or shaping with hand tools.
      1. Avoid cutting, drilling or damaging tables or equipment.
      2. Use the right tool for the job.
    9. Focus on your work when using tools.
      1. Make sure people are clear before you begin using a tool.
      2. Look at what you are doing.
      3. Avoid distractions.
    10. Always treat tools with respect
      1. Carefully carry tools with sharp parts pointed down and away from people
      2. Use tools only for the jobs they are designed to do.
      3. Never set tools on the edge of a table where they could fall or hurt someone.
      4. Put away tools and clean up scraps after using tools.
      5. Never use tools as toys or weapons.
    11. No “Horse Play”
      1. No playing rough.
      2. No running, jumping, dances, playing, etc.
      3. No jokes, pranks, or fooling around.
      4. No unnecessary noise.
    12. Practice Gracious Professionalism
      1. Always do your best work.
      2. Share tools, space and materials to avoid waste.
      3. Ask for and accept help anytime it is needed.
      4. Assist others when you can.

The number one priority is that everyone walks out of the fabrication area uninjured.

To achieve this goal students and adults will comply with our safety rules.

Do not work in the fabrication area or with any tools if...

You are feeling ill, distressed or too tired to work safely.

You are taking any medication that makes it unsafe to use tools.

You are not wearing proper shoes and appropriate clothing to protect you from injuries.

Before working in the fabrication area students will...

Read all general safety rules.

Ask questions about any rule they don't understand

Pass the general safety test with a 100%.

Agree to follow all general safety rules.

Before entering the fabrication area students will...

Receive permission from the instructor (Mr. Gray).

Put on their safety glasses.

Confine long hair and make sure you have no loose clothing or jewelry that might get caught by a tool or machine.

Have a plan of what work they want to accomplish.

Before using any tools in the fabrication area...

Make sure the teacher (Mr. Gray) is supervising your work.

Layout - draw lines on the material to mark where to cut, drill or shape it.

Choose the right tool for the job.

Make sure everyone is clear and you have enough space to work safely.

Before using Power Tools...

Read the safety rules for that tool. (Power Tool Safety Rules)

Ask questions about any rule you don't understand.

Agree to follow all safety rules for that tool.

Get permission to use that specific power tool.

While using any tool...

Keep your mind on your task.

Do not talk to anyone.

Remember the safe way is the best way.

If in doubt, stop and ask a question.

After using tools in the shop...

Make sure your name is on your material.

Put away all tools.

Clean-up all scraps and dust.

Report to the instructor...

Any unsafe situations you notice.

Any tools that are damaged or in need of maintenance.

Any injury (no matter how small) received while working.