

By: Annika N.

BB-8 is a robot because he has sensors that stop him from running into anything. The sensors that are in BB-8 are shown on his head it looks like a big black dot with a red light. BB-8 as seen in the movie The Force Awakens was given a order by Poe Dameron to take a piece of a map that leads to Luke skywalker and wait for him to return or get back to the rebel base as fast as possible. Like every other robot BB-8 has actuators that make him move stop and start again. BB-8 has a brain that can help him understand the commands that his owner is giving him. BB-8’s body is shaped like a half completed snowman with a spherical base and a half sphere head. BB-8’s behavior shows that he has very through programming and experience. For example when he hears a explosion or a gunshot he will move away from that area very vast until he feels it is safe. Overall BB-8 is a robot because he displays all the characteristics of a robot. The characteristics of a robot are brain, body, program, sensors, actuators, and, behavior and BB-8 demonstrates all of them.

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