8/31/17 Meeting

Date: Aug 31, 2017

Time: 3:00 - 4:00

Attending: Ryan Osborn, Ricky Kennedy, Phillip Casey


Brainstorm Activities for the Year

Plan officer election

Schedule Meetings

T-Shirt Art Contest



Fix t-shirt cannon(for parade) add movable turret(mount on robot), new logo for FRC team, team name for FRC, nice drive team shirt, build stuff, Eagle Fest, Parade for Home Coming, Make Posters to advertise, Lego Demo Robot for Display, Build ESA/Robotic Float, Picnic Lunch after Parade, Paint/Decorate Hardhats, Robot Challenger to Seminar Competitions(rope climbing, pushups, sprint, punt, Frizzbie), Pumpkin Design Seminar Contest, Seminar Robot Demonstration, Shop Safety, Shop/Woodworking Training, Write an ESA constitution. Welcome students from other schools?

Elections: Need more advertising (flyers/Posters), at least 2 people running for each office, Google Form, One vote/ESA student member, Officer have to do their job, Expected to participate 2 hours per week.

Meeting Schedule: Planning/Officers Meeting during Academic Enrichment - once a week 7-8am

Every Thursday 3-5 for scheduled activities, Consider changing to Monday or Wednesday

Next Wednesday after school 3-4 - Agenda: Poster, Election, T-Shirt Contest

T-Shirt Rule:

Open to current DRHS students

Criteria - School Colors, Theme: Steampunked Dakota Ridge, Includes: 1799, DRHS, Catagories: Logo, Front of Shirt,

Prize: Free T-Shirt, Spot on ESA Homecoming Float, Free Lunch