
Dakota Ridge High School CTE Advisory Board

Attendance: (33% educator - 66% industry representatives)

Chris Gray, Engineering Teacher

Tim Hoffert, Math & Computer Science Teacher

Paul Barker, Former student & studying engineering at Colorado School of Mines

Sarah Daley, Former student & Engineer (FE), graduate of community college

Bill Schmidt, Retired manufacturing engineer

Yvonne Gray, Consultant & member IEEE


10 minute - welcome and introductions

20 minute - presentation of the current program

Mission, Proposals, Budget

30 minute - question & answer period

All participants can also provide feedback by email before or after the scheduled meeting


Mission - 1. Promote Engineering and Technology programs at Dakota Ridge High School.

2. Support teachers and students success in these courses.

3. Ensure rigorous and relevant curriculum implementation.

4. Promote extracurricular enrichment opportunities.


Proposals -

1. Implement Project Lead The Way - ASAP

Intro to Engineering Design 2018 / 19

Principles of Engineering 2019 / 20

Digital Electronic & Computer Integrated Manufacturing 2020 / 21

Civil Engineering & Engineering Design & Development 2021 / 22

Sustainability, Computer Programming & Aerospace ???? / ??


PLTW is a good engineering program, worth the money for the value to students.

2. Use robotics competitions to engage student and apply engineering skills.

FLL Mentoring - $200 or parent mentor (outreach, education & recruitment)

BEST Robotics Fall Team - $200 or 20 hours mentoring robot camp

Winter Robotics Camp - $200 for 4 days “Sumobots”(fundraiser & education)

FRC Spring Team - $200 or 20 hours mentoring robot camp

Summer Robot Camp - $200 for 4 days “King of the Ridge” (fundraiser & education)


$200 might be too high of a fee (even with other options available), consider a lower amount.

3. Promote collaborations with Science, Math, Tech, and Art teachers.

CTSO is for all CTE students including Computer Programming & Broadcast.

Ensure students from each class are nominated for leadership roles.

All CTSO students get matching CTE / STEM t-shirts by November.

Promote Jeffco and DRHS to offer STEM Graduation Endorsement.

Encourage Art to offer CTE courses and recruit art students for robotics teams.


Consider changing the name of the CTSO to be more inclusive. STEM or STEAM

To recruit more students to the CTSO make is free to participate. $10 to get a t-shirt

Budget -

School Funding

+$5000 DRHS Admin (replace robotics kits)

+$8000 Student Lab Fees

+$1000 State CTE money

+$3000 County CTE (PLTW)? no

+$5000? Jeffco (textbooks)?

+$17k? DRHS Admin? (replace robotics kits)?

+14,000 - $37,000

Community Fundraising

+$3000 FRC Regrant

+$8000 Continued Sponsorship levels?

+$0 - 8k Additional Sponsorships?

+$1-2k Fall FLL team fees?

+$1-4k Fall BEST robotics team fees?

+$1-6k Winter Robotics Camp?

+$1-3k FRC team fees?

+$1-6k Summer Robotics Camp?

+$16,000 - $40,000

Engineering Expenses

-$800 K-Nex

-$200 Journals

-$2000 T-Shirts

-$15,000 Lego Robotics Kits

-$6,000 Project Materials (consumables)

-$3,000 PLTW Registration?

-$10,000 Vex Robotics Kits?

-$5,000 Engineering Textbooks?

-$24,000 - $42,000

Robotics Expenses

-$1000 BEST Robotics

-$1000 FLL field & Registrations

-$5000 FRC Registration

-$3000 Robot Parts & Materials

-$2000 Tools & Equipment

-$1000 Team Spirit & Marketing



Comcast gave $3750 last year

Lockheed Martin gave $2000 last year

Gates used to donate materials and at one time $2000 when student went and made a presentation at their offices.

Reach out to parents because many companies allow the employees to each decide what to donate to.

Reach out to colleges to see if you could get old engineering books donated.

DRHS has a button making machine somewhere - save money on Team Spirit & Marketing

Organize students and former students to make a case for the program to the district to get funding.