FIRST Robotics Competition

Team #1799 Wired-Up!

Charged Up

We have been developing and using a process for choosing a game strategy. The following document records our process of making our strategy for this year.  Starting with the game rules and scoring chart we developed a list of specific robot behaviors and ranked them by importance and difficulty.  From there we brainstormed several possible types of robots we are likely to see in this year’s competition.  Then we imagined the best combinations of these robot types and analyzed how many points we predicted each alliance could score.  From this analysis we drew several conclusions.  With that as a starting point, the team discussed what we wanted our robot to do. The team listed out what we wanted our robot to do during each phase of a match. Identifying how many points we can score by ourselves and how many points we think our alliance is likely to score.  From the behavior we defined what we need our robot to do.  That became the beginning of our designing of the robot.

Scoring Charts 

What can a robot do in this Game?

                                          Important      Difficult

What Types Of Robots are Possible

Possible Alliance Combinations

Assume one robot does charge station during auto = 12 pts. 3 robots charge at end = 30pts

Option 1:  1Snailmail8, 2Bulldozer5, 2Loader6 = 24

Auto: 9+4+4+3+3+3+12 = 38 pts  Teleop: 7*3+7*2= 35pts  End = 30pts  Total = 103

Option 2: 1Tankmail10, 2Loader5, 2Loader5 = 25

Auto: 9+6+6+6+6+3+12 = 48  pts  Teleop: 4*5+9*3+6*2= 59 pts  End = 30pts  Total = 137

Option 3 : 3Longshot8, 3Layup8, 1Forklift4 = 27

Auto: 9+6+6+6+4+4+4+4+12 = 55 pts  Teleop: 6*5+5*3+9*2= 63 pts  End = 30pts  Total =  148

Option 4:  2ExpressMail12, 1Forklift4, 3Longshot8 = 30 = 27

Auto: 9+6+6+6+4+4+3+3+12 = 53 pts  Teleop: 6*5+7*3+7*2= 65 pts  End = 30pts  Total = 148 

Option 5:  1TankMail10, 3Longshot8, 3Longshot8 = 33 = 27

Auto: 9+6+6+6+6+6+6+3+12 = 60 pts  Teleop:3*5+9*3+8*2= 58 pts  End = 30pts  Total = 148

Conclusions:  Only alliances that can place Cones in row 2 or 3 will get Sustainability.  1 RP

                       One really good robot might be able to get Sustainability by themself.

                       2 good delivery and 1 good placing robot is as good as 3 good robots.

                       Delivery is the most dangerous job.  Placing Cones is the hardest job.           

Only alliances with 1 robot that can Engage and 1 that can Dock or 3 that can Dock will get Activation. 1 RP

                      A robot that can Engage autonomously is most valuable to an alliance. 

Strategy as of:  1/11/23

Tank Mail 

We should make a sturdy little robot that has the power and traction to balance on the Charge Station.  We will recieve cones from the SubStation and pick-up cubes from the floor.  We will place all game piece in bottom row of the Grid.  We will be durable to survive the chaos of mid-field as we transport game pieces or play defense when allied with top ranked teams.

Auto:  Place cube move out of community and

                - go pick up cube, place cube (Mobility3,Grid3,Grid3)


                - ballance on Charge Station (Mobility3,Grid3,Charge12)

Teleop:  Retrieve CC from SubStation, drive to Community, Place CC in botton row of Grid. (Grid2,Grid2,Grid2,Grid2,Grid2,Grid2)

End Game:  Narrow to drive up and leave plenty of space for 2 more robot (Charge10)

With an optimized autonomous program and well practiced drivers we will be scoring enough points to show the top ranked teams we would make a great second pick for their alliance.

With no assistance from Alliance:  18 + (8*2)16 + 15 + 10 = 59 pts

With assistance:  9 + deliver 10 (9*5 + 1*3) + 20 + 10 = 87 points

                 Activation  - 1 RP   Sustainability - 1 RP    

Robot Requirements based on Strategy:

Balance on the Charger autonomously

Receive CC from Single Feed Station - Dump in Community

Make it easy to pick up a cube on the floor while driving towards it.

Move the cube inside of our perimeter frame when transporting.

Make the robot narrow so it takes up less space on the Charger.

Can Drive Fast.  Can make precise movements/turns