
Bobby L.

Battlebots are robots that are designed to fight against each other, in a tournament to win a trophy. Bots are built to have advantages and defenses against any opponents so they can come out on top. I will share 4 different bots with you today.


Bronco is a heavyweight robot which competed in the first two seasons of ABC's BattleBots reboot and the third on Discovery and Science. It was built by Alexander Rose and Reason Bradley of Inertia Labs. As with most Inertia Labs robots, its weapon was a powerful pneumatic flipping arm.

Bronco s8
Bronco ABCBB2015


by Tanner P.

Thoughts & Ideas:

I think Battle Bots are cool because I have always been interested in combat and this is a unique activity where people can express their creative minds through putting robots through combat.


Among these combat ready bots is Warhead. Warhead is a Horizontal Disk Spinner type robot built by Simon Scott between 2000 and 2002. Warhead is equipped with a disk on its front that spins rapidly to knock opponents away. Along with this, Warhead has two wing-like arms that emerge from its side. The use of these arms is to spew flames at its opponent. These components are encased in a large metal body giving it needed protection to play against its opponents.

Image result for warhead battle
Image result for warhead battle


by Aidan S.

This document will be about battlebots. It will describe what a Battlebot is, how they are used and the rules of the game. This will also show my opinion on several battlebots and battlebots in general.

Battlebots seems to be a competition in which people build remote controlled robots to fight in competitions. This competition was turned into a tv show. The competitors are in a box called the battlebox. In there they fight until the time ends at 3 minutes or until one of the competitors shuts down as a result of damages. If both robots last until the end of the round, a board of judges decides the winner. A few of the rules are that the robots can be no more than 250 lbs for heavyweight, however there is no limit on size or weapon. There are no nets allowed, and a maximum voltage is 220 volts. In my opinion, Battlebots seems pretty dangerous and wasteful, but is very fun to watch and strategize over. I also find it interesting that there are weight classes like boxing. The Battlebots are also not robots because they are remote controlled.


This bot is a serious champion in the tournament, and has one it several times. It is a two-wheeled box-shaped robot armed with a large horizontally-spinning bar that weighs about 65-75 lbs The robot's name came from computer networking's term "tombstoning" meaning to kill it and have it stay dead.

Tombstone s8

Tombstone is a very good robot for this because it has a lot of control and is very easy to move. It also has a very dangerous weapon that can destroy many layers of metal.

Image result for battlebots
Image result for battlebots captain shrederator

Captain Shrederator is bad for Battlebots because it does not have very good control, it does not inflict a lot of damage and it shuts down a lot.

Image result for battlebots bronco

Bronco is good for Battlebots because it seldom shuts down, and has good control. While it does not inflict a lot of damage, and can knock bots out of the battlebox.

Battle Royale With Cheese

This team took an interesting turn with their new bot, inspired by the popular game, Fortnite. It was a robot themed to a cheeseburger with a pair of interchangeable spinning bars (one themed to look like a piece of bacon, and another themed to look like a pickle). Battle Royale also had a self-righting mast themed to resemble a toothpick with an olive on it.

TantrumvsBattleRoyale bb2018


They call it Nightmare for a reason. Nightmare is a vertical Spinning type battlebot created by Jim Smentowski. Nightmare is equipped with a vertical spinning blade that is used to slash at an opponent’s bot. My positive first impressions of this robot were quickly shut down as I watched a video of this robot performing in battle, it did not have the balance or power to stop an opponent. Upon further research, I learned that this battle bot has lost 3 of the four battles it has partaken in. I guess you could say its performance is a nightmare.

Image result for nightmare battlebots
Image result for battlebots chomp

Chomp is not good for Battlebots because it can easily be knocked over and immobilized, and its weapon does not do a lot of damage.

In conclusion, while Battlebots my seem dangerous and wasteful, I enjoy it. It is fun to watch and think about and is a fun experience overall.

Image result for nightmare battlebots

Bite Force

Bite Force was a tracked robot armed with a grabbing jaw so it could lift and even overturn opposing robots. It also had multiple interchangeable setups - it had small blue "wedgelets" which could be mounted to the front of the robot, and a large steel wedge could be mounted to the back of the robot to battle spinners.

BiteForce s8
BiteForcevsWarhead BB2015


This one might give me more nightmares than the last but I’m including it anyway. Bucktooth Burl is a drum spinner type robot created by Julia Chernushevich. BB is a squirrely robot that spins around on two wheels and seems to be very hard to control. Upon watching one of BB’s videos, I can see that it cannot land very many hard hitting hits and might do better as a windmill than a combat robot. This is quite an interesting robot.

Image result for bucktooth burl battlebots
Image result for bucktooth burl battlebots

Another battlebot is the Gamma 9 created by Curtis Nemeth on the team Gamma Brigade in BattleBots. The battlebot is a grappler type that uses its hooks to grab onto robots and make them lose the battle. In its current record in the 2018 season, it has lost both of its matches and has a losing streak at the moment.


Out of all of these, my favorite is Stinger. Stinger is a Lifter type robot created by Matt Maxham. This robot is equipped with three wheels on each side and a powerful lifter atop its body. Stinger’s performance appears to be amazing as I have seen its battle against Warhead as it surely tore Warhead apart. This is not a robot to be reckoned with.

Image result for stinger robot battlebots
Image result for stinger robot battlebots

Basilisk is a battlebot that is designed to use a flipping arm to take out it's opponents and is a flipper type. It was created by Lucas Sloan and is used by the team MBSrobotics. In its overall career, it has a 50% win percentage. The final example of a robot I have chosen is Ghost Raptor. It was created by Chuck Pitzer, who has been competing in competitions for 15 years, for Team Raptor in 2015. Ghost Raptor is created and programmed to use an articulated bar spinner with a lifter as well as using a ramp to take out it's opponents in its matches.

Battlebots are robots designed to fight each other and has gained massive popularity over the years with various competitors in competitions. This popularity has even allowed for a show titled Battlebots to be produced and host these matches. Battlebots is overall something I find intriguing and many more do as well shown through the various examples of battlebots built by teams who have a passion for what they do.



BY. Spencer H.

I think battle bots are pretty cool. They can do all the stuff a normal robot does but it has all the cool modifications like sawblades, flamethrowers, flippers, all kinds of cool stuff they can attach to the bot. These bots are made to demolish the competition with all of the weapons and overall be the best bot in the competition.

This bot rolls along the ground and ramps the bots into its mouth and closes the sharp teeth down on its opponent it also has flamethrowers on the side to burn the bot as well. It also has a size advantage from all the other puwney robots.


by Douglas C.

Battlebots is a robotic fighting television show on ABC on which two or more remote controlled robots fight in arena with flamethrowers, saws, grabbers, spinners, etc. The arena has traps in it that can damage or even destroy a robot at any given time. The goal of the game is to beat all of the robots you face in the bracket and win the giant “nut” at the end as the trophy.

The main rules are:

    1. The robot must be able to move in some way.

    2. Must be able to be remote controlled.

    3. Must have a weapon.

    4. The internal parts must be heavily protected.

    5. Must be smaller than 8 by 8 feet.

    6. Must be lighter or equal to 250 pounds if it's on the ground, or if it flies it must be lighter or as light as 10 pounds, but this can be changed due to how it’s made

Some examples of battlebots are:


by Hayden S.

` A battlebot is a robot that is designed to fight in competitions against other robots. These robots have a variety of different parts that created with the intention of winning battles and to accomplish victory. There is a large audience interested in battlebots which have prompted a tv show titled BattleBots to be made that hosts these matches. BattleBots is practically a show that is about a technology-based sporting event with remove controlled robots built by teams to fight other remove controlled robots.

Personally, I really enjoy the concept of battlebots. The idea of robots fighting each other is something I think of as cool and would definitely enjoy to watch. It’s intriguing on how there is an endless amount of versions you can create and how it can constantly be improved over time. Each robot is different from another and programmed to attack and win in a different style and way. An example of a battlebot is the Captain Shrederator. This robot is designed as a full-body spinner that is made to defeat its enemies out with its spinning. It is created by Brian Nave who is a retired electrical engineer and is used by Team LOGICOM on the show BattleBots.

This bot rolls to the bot and it has a hammer to pound its enemy into a pile of screws. It also has a ramp to flip the bot over so it will be unusable. Its is mostly a defensive robot except for the giant arm to come down a smash medal into pieces

I can conclude that battle bots are amazing and really cool and can do a lot of damage to other bots. They do that with cool weapons they put on the robot which includes like flamethrowers, saws, smashers. A lot of things to demolish the other bots.

Battle Bots

Battle bots are robots that are designed for destruction they have blades, flippers, and pushers that help destroy the others.i think that battle bots can be entertaining but they serve no real purpose in our everyday world.

This battle bot is called blacksmith. It has a ramp on the front that is meant to go under other bota and a hammer that falls and is meant to do damage to the enemy bot.

This robot is called root canal it has shields that protect it from damage of other bots. It also has a saw blade on the front that is meant to rip off components of other bots and decommission it.

Ther robot on the ground Is bronco. It is a robot with a blade that has so much force that it can make a 400 pound robot fly into the air. It has a shield in the back that protects it from damage.

I can conclude that battlebots ar powerful machines that are controlled by their makers. I can also say that they are meant for destruction and for destroying the competition.



The Warhead.

The Warhead is a customizable robot with a spinning head or a dinosaur head. It has grabbers on the sides of it’s head that can hold its opponent in place. It also has a flamethrower that can melt another robot and set it on fire.

The Hypershock

The Hypershock is a robot with a Drum Spinner with Hydraulic Grabbing Arms. It’s grabbers are on the side of the of the robot that hold it’s opponent in place while the Drum Spinner in the middle damages/destroys the other robot.

The Overdrive

The Overdrive is a robot with a Quick and Nimble Lifter. The lifter is is used to flip its opponent and make it unable to fight.


by Zachary D

Battlebots are robots made to fight each other and to show off technology and how far it has come. Battlebots are so popular that a show was created to show them off and add drama to the fights, called Battlebots. The show is very popular and has many “contestants” that take place regularly in the fights such as Tombstone, Blendo, and Brutus.

Tombstone 2 official

Tombstone is a heavyweight robot, made by Hardcore robots, that competed on the show in 2005, with a newer mode (picture)l in the more recent competitions. The robot weighs 250 pounds and has a 69 pound red bar that it spins around at insane speeds. Tombstone is so beastly that he is 19 wins to 3 loses, and has won his heavyweight class 3 times in total. Many opponents such as bombshell tried to counter Tombstones spinner by breaking the chain but almost all are unsuccessful as the chain is too high to hit, and too hard to access without being destroyed.

Personally I think that Tombstones approach is a cheap tactic as all he has to do to win is basically touch the other robot enough with the 69 pound spinner.


Blendo is a full body spinner powered by a lawnmower engine, it can spin up to 500 rpm and is a force to be reckoned with. Blendo is so violent that they gave him a joint win in 1995 after he posed a safety hazard to the crown because of the flying metal sent off from the opponent. Blendo is started from a drill put down the hole in the top to start the combustion motor to cause it to spin, which means if he shut down in battle it was a sitting duck. Nowadays blendo is obsolete because of his instability, his poor spinning and better opponents.

Brutus BB2016

Brutus has two weapons, guns which shoot special projectiles, and a vertical spinning disk. He is a brute heavy weight taking down some of the best, before losing finally to the one and only tombstone. He is effective against small light robots, but when paired with a formidable opponent it will lose. Brutus was considered a smart design but is now pretty obsolete because of his small spinning wheel and the useless guns.