-History of ASIMO-

Grace F.

ASIMO was the dream of engineers at the vehicle franchise of Honda, but, they couldn’t put it into motion until 1986. Then, they were able to research and create the 4.25 foot robot, ASIMO. ASIMO actually means Advanced Step in Innovation Mobility, and that’s exactly what happened! The engineers had to go through several prototypes, such as E1, E2, and E3, which were mainly focused on developing a system to simulate the way in which humans walked. It was based on several people walking up and down stairs, and walking on regular, flat land. Next were the prototypes to focus on stabilization and the stair climbing aspect of the robot, which it’s prototypes were called E4, E5, and E6. Of course, once they aced the technique of the balancing and walking, they had to make the robot more friendly looking, as they aimed to have it in society. To do so, they needed to add the head, arms, and torso, but, the first version was ridiculously tall. Coming in at 6’2” and 398 lbs, the thing was giant, and most likely intimidating to those who look up to it. The engineers at Honda needed to come up with a way to make the design less intimidating and more friendly, so P2 was more compact and the abilities to walk, climb, and move were improved. Still, it was not enough, so P3, the last prototype, was made to be 5’2” and 287 lbs. As 2 decades have passed with this incredible humanoid robot, ASIMO’s range of movement and abilities have made it so it can run or walk on flat ground or uneven slopes, turn without any rigidness, and even reach for items. Even though this little guy can already do so much, Honda reaches for the stars and hopes that along the way, they can inspire young children to create their own best friend.

ASIMO the Robot

by Kylie S.

Honda had a dream to create a walking robot, so in 1986 they set out to create one. Engineers began by trying to create legs that would simulate the walk of a human which resulted in several prototypes. The first robot Honda designed was named P1 who stood at 6 feet 2 inches tall and weighed in at 386 pounds. The only function P1 could perform was to walk. They moved on stabilizing the legs and programming them to climb stairs. This robot was named P2 and it not only was its walk improved it could also climb and descend stairs. The P2 model implemented wireless automatic movements. Next, they began working to develop arms, a head, and body which all contributed to improving balance for ASIMO as well as adding functionality. The P3 model was designed to be more compact standing a more reasonable 5 foot 2 inches and weighing 287 pounds.

Honda engineers have worked on ASIMO for two decades. Spending twenty years researching and developing a humanoid robot has resulted in ASIMO who can run, walk on uneven slopes and surfaces, turn smoothly, climb and descend stairs, and reach for and grasp items. The engineers also programed ASIMO to understand and respond to simple voice commands. ASIMO was also taught to recognize faces and pick the correct one out of a group. The robot can use its eyes to map the surrounding area and can not only pick out stationary objects but can avoid moving obstacles within its environment.

The work on ASIMO continues, but in the meantime the robot is touring schools throughout the country hoping to inspire students to study the sciences. The future holds so many possibilities for ASIMO. Designers hope it will serve as another set of eyes, ears, hands, and legs for people with needs and disabilities. ASIMO might one day help the elderly who are bedridden or in a wheelchair with important tasks they are no longer able to perform. They also believe that ASIMO might one day be able to take over tasks that may be dangerous to humans like fighting fires or cleaning up toxic spills.

Image result for ASIMO e4 e5 e6
Image result for ASIMO e1 e2 e3

First Draft

ASIMO is the “first” humanoid robot created by the vehicle franchise, Honda, and means Advanced Step In Innovation Mobility. . They set out to create the robot that can function in society and be the people’s partner. The whole idea was started as a new project to improve mobility and movement. The 4.25 foot robot was designed by keeping in mind how we humans move. It’s legs were based off of human’s joint functions such as walking up and down stairs, on flat ground, and uneven ground, then the research was applied to ASIMO and enabled the robot to have the same movements as humans.

Sites used:

student research summary:

by Jack R.

ASIMO (said azmo for some reason) is a bipedal robot made by honda; that has undergone many upgrades and improvements

(pictured above is ASIMO the “Most advanced bipedal robot” to date)


    • 4ft 3in tall
    • 110 pounds
    • 1.7 mph walking speed
    • 4.3 mph running speed
    • 0.5 kg grip strength (on a five fingered hand)
    • 1 hour operating time

The robot’s actuator is a “Servomotor+Harmonic Speed Reducer+Drive Unit”


Step to Safety with ASIMO