Robotics & Automation Systems

     Syllabus       Robots to Know      Kahoot  

Dakota Ridge High School Robotics class

This lab-based course is an introduction to robotics and related scientific and engineering topics. Students will learn the basics of how motors, moving parts, and sensors work. They will also design, build, program and test robots to carry out specific tasks. The class will culminate with an extended robotics challenge.

Course Description: 

 This course is aimed at the student wishing to design, build, program, and run autonomous robots. In this robotics course we will be using Lego Mindstorm EV3 robotics because it requires no tools for construction and no previous program experience.  We will focus on robot design, use of sensors, and the relationship between program and behavior. Students will also learn the history of robotics, the many types and examples of robots (real and fictional).  Second semester we will move up to VEX V5 robots because they offer more options of motors and sensors to put onto the robots students design.  


1. Students will collaborate to program, build, design and test robots.

2. Students will identify and describe specific examples of real and fictional robots.

3. Students will create a digital record the robot they create, programs they write and the behavior it exhibits. 

4. Students will explore the evolving field of robotics (past, present and future).

5. Students will program and troubleshoot robots to achieve the desired robot behaviors.

6. Students will consider the impacts of the development and use of robots.

7. Students will use the engineering design process to create original robots that exhibit desirable behaviors.

Semester 1 Units/Project

Unit 1

Programming EV3 Brick

What are Robots

Unit 1 Lego Assignments

Robotic AV Performance

Unit 2

EV3 Robot Movement

Types of Robots

Unit 2 Lego Assignments

Autonomous Maze

Unit 3

Programming EV3 Sensors

Modern Robots

Unit 3 Lego Assignments

Autonomous Jail Break

Sumo Robot Project


Autonomous Combat

Design, Build, Program

Test, Modify, Compete

Semester 2 Units/Projects

Unit 1 Motors & Sensor


Unit 2 Rovers

Rescue Robot Challenge

Remote vs Autonomous 

Wounded Person Retrieval

Unit 3  Robot Vision

Remote Driving Vehicle

Beyond line of sight

Final Project



king of the hill type battle

Their are many definitions of what makes a robot.  Some are too technical and other are too vague. For the purpose of this class it will be important that everyone is using the same definition of what we will call a 'Robot'.  

A robot is a mechanical devise with a microprocessor to receive and  process information according to its program, respond to its environment, and exhibits behaviors like moving itself or other objects.  

From this definition we can extract six characteristics of robots.  Robots have a physical body that includes mechanical parts (it is not just software - programs or data files).  Robots have a on-board 'brain' that can receive information, make decisions, and control the other parts of the robot.  Robots have sensors (examples - touch, light, range finder, etc.) that detect the conditions of the environment and sends that information to the 'brain'.  Robots have a program that the 'brain' used as its instructions on how to make decisions about what to do next.  Robots exhibit behavior determined by the program that requires little or no additional instructions from a human operator.  Robots have motors or other actuators that cause the robot or other objects to move.  With is definition of a robot take a fresh look at the items of technology in your home or that use on a daily basis.  

Many of the things that people call robots do not meet the requirements of our definition.  Many appliances and modern consumer products do meet or come close to meeting the definition of robot even though we call them by other names.  Not all robots will look like the ones you see in movies, cartoons or books.

Above are robots students have made in class for the Sumobot Competition at the end of the first semester of the class.  Students are free to design and program the robots to match their strategy for winning the competition.

These are the robots made by students on the FRC Robotics Team #1799 Wired-Up! here at DRHS.  This is a co-curricular activity available to all students.  No experience required to be on the robotics team.  Talk to Mr. Gray about joining the team.