
Date: Sept 6th, 2017

Time: 3:00 - 4:00

Attending: Ricky Kennedy, Fillip Casey, Chase Stemmons, Torin Pellegrini, Ryan Jurgemeyer, Alex Norby


Making Posters

Plan Officer Elections

T-Shirt Art Contest


Poster: Individually and/or collaboratively design posters to advertise the election of officers.

Share graphics in "ESA Shared Work" Google Drive Folder

Elections: Need more advertising (flyers/Posters), at least 2 people running for each office, Google Form, One vote/ESA student member, Officer have to do their job, Expected to participate 2 hours per week.

T-Shirt Rule:

Open to current DRHS students, one entry per student

Create a design for graphics to be printed on the front of t-shirts

Requirements - the design must:

Be limited to school colors, one or two colors printed on a colored t-shirt

Express the theme: "Steampunked Dakota Ridge"

Include the follow: "DRHS", "ENGINEERING" and "1799"

Submittions need to be provided to Mr. Gray as a .png graphic file by September 30, 2017

file name format "(lastname)(gradelevel)(firstname).png"

Prize: Free T-Shirt, Spot on ESA Homecoming Float, Free Lunch

Meeting Schedule: (Planning/Officers Meeting during Academic Enrichment - once a week 7-8 am Cardinal Days) ???

Next Wednesday after school 3-4 - Agenda: