Gracious Professionalism

Gracious Professionalism                          GP Slideshow 2023                          GP Slideshow

If you want to know how to understand what I do and work with me, you need to understand one of FIRST Robotics Competition's core values.  The concept of  "Gracious Professionalism" was developed by MIT professor Woody Flowers.  It is a way of behaving that promotes the greatest possible success for everyone involved.  It starts with just being professional (student, teacher, mentor, engineers, etc.) which I summarize as been responsible for getting your own work done on time and at the highest quality possible.  Then you add in graciousness, which can be explained as generously sharing of your time, knowledge, and skills by welcoming the input others and being willing to help however needed.  In practice this looks like you doing your own thing, getting your work done, but when someone asked for help you happily set your work aside a moment to give them a hand.  It could also be that you come to a point in your work where you need help, so you turn to those around you and ask a question.  If you just sit there quietly, not letting your teammates know you have a problem, struggling and not making progress on your task your not helping yourself or the team to succeed.  No matter how big, strong, smart, fast, or skilled you are, eventually there will be something you will need help with.  If you practice gracious professionalism from the beginning, it will so much easier to ask for help when you needed it, and the response to you request will be met with much more graciousness.

Examples in a School Setting



Good Attendance

Attending every class unless you have an excused absence.

Reminding your parents to call the school when you are home sick.

Completing prearranged absence forms for field trips.

Attending Optional Activities

Reminding your classmates about activities

Arriving On-Time

Up to five minutes early is considered on time.

Arriving Early to Help Set Up

Help classmates who arrive at the last minute.

Being Prepared for Class

Looking on teacher's website for assignments when absent.

Reviewing notes of what was learned in class.

Completing for homework tasks you didn't finish in class.

Making sure you have all of your tools and materials with you.

Getting enough sleep so you are alert during class.

Calling a classmate to find out what you missed

Asking a classmate for help with a concept 

Reminding a classmate about homework assignments 

Helping a classmate study for a test

Listening to Instructions

Reading Instructions

Following Instructions

Participating in Discussions

Participating in Activities

Completing Assignments On-Time

Doing Your Best Work on Assignments

Practicing before giving a presentation

Studying for Major Tests

Emailing the Teacher about Expected Absences

Emailing the Teacher with Questions, Concern, Requests

Examples in a Work Setting



Good Attendance

Attending work everyday your are scheduled to work.

Schedule days off in advance except in cases of an emergency.

Never miss work without at least calling a supervisor.

Offer to work days you know they need your help.

Arriving On-Time

Up to five minutes early is considered on time.

Arriving Early (if okay) to get settled, so start working on time.

Make sure you are at all scheduled meetings.

Reminding a co-worker about meetings and deadlines.

Set an alarm and/or reminders. 

Being Prepared for Work

Dress appropriately for work.

Making sure you have all of your tools and materials with you.

Journal, pens, computer, safety glasses, etc.

Getting enough sleep so you are alert during work.

Asking a co-worker for help with a concept

Helping a co-worker with a concept

Don't use drugs that will interfere with work

Know and follow the chain of command.

Read and reply to work email promptly.

Keep open communication with co-workers.

Participate in design discussions.

Take responsibility for all tasks assigned to you.

Complete assignments on time.

Prepare and practice before giving presentations.

Keep current with advancement in your field.

Participate in professional organizations.

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