
Date: Nov 29th, 2018

Time: 3:05 pm

Attending: Marcus Phillips, Ryan Osborn, Logan Kelly, Torin Pellegrini, Ryan Jugemyer


Meeting times

Officer Elections -

T-Shirt Art

Remind.com Setup


Meeting Times: Torin suggested Tuesday After School. We can try this

Elections - Candidate need to type a 3 sentence statement to go on the Google Form, Due Dec. 7th

President, Vice President, Secretary Treasures, Webmaster

Voting Dec. 10th and 11th

T-Shirt Art - Keep the graphics, Change the wording to "Dakota Ridge" "Engineering"

Put it on a red shirt, black leters, blue graphics, maybe white inside

Announcements - t-shirt design contest, join esa,

Robotics Summer Camp - Ryan and Torin could use it as their CAS project.

June 3-7 or June 10-14

Half day. 28 morning 28 afternoon. 3rd - 5th grade

Patterson has connections with elementary and middle schools

Remind - maybe not

Shared Google Drive Folder

Next Meeting Tuesday 12/4/18 after school