Cyborg (Victor)

by Bishop T.


The body is made from an activated mother box fused with a badly injured Victor Stone. A mother box is an item created by the New Gods, an alien species capable of travel unfathomable by normal means with the mother boxes. The mother box protects, and is, his body with a hard outside. The body qualifies him as a robot.

2. Brain

Victor S. is a cyborg so he has a human brain to control his mother box body. His brain controls his arms legs and other weapons to take down his enemies. The brain is what makes him distinguished from a full robot and what keeps him from turning evil.

3. Sensors

Cyborg still has one functioning eye the other is a sensor in order for him to see in 3D that he wouldn’t be able to do without the eye sensor. This eye allows him to be even more of a robot.

4. Actuators

Though it is not stated in comic books or on the official site we are able to make the assumption that he moves with pistons, gears, and cogs. This allows him to have rockets in his feet and allows him to go through boom tubes, slang for portals made by mother boxes.

5. Program

Cyborg may have a normal human brain but his mother box body has a program that, stated by the official DC website, “If his Mother Box perceives someone or something as a threat, it's defensive systems will activate and cause Victor to completely lose control of his body.” That makes him more of a robot than a human in this situation.

6. Behaviors

Cyborg doesn’t have a set behavior because he has control of what he does and what his purpose is. Although his mother box does take control of him from time to time it could be argued that, that could be his behavior which is something that we have to consider when calling him a robot. Only because his mother box does take control from time to time we call that part of him a robot.

In the end Cyborg is not a robot because his brain is human. Other than that he could be considered a robot that would have the capability to be better at crime fighting or helping the crime.