
Student research summary:

by Drew S.


The Ballbot is a robot that moves and balances on one wheel. It's range of movement is larger than that of the average robot. It has the ability to move better in tighter spaces. It runs on the same principles of that of an inverted pendulum.The body is a ball with the robotic body placed on top.The ballbot is currently only able to move on smooth surfaces but is looking to be adapted to rougher surfaces. The movement of the body is dependent on the design as it is difficult because you have to be careful not to make the body too top heavy. The significance of the ballbot is that one day it is hoped to be used as a personal service robot for humans in the near future. The first Ballbot was developed by professor Ralph Hollis in 2005 in Pittsburgh.

Student research summary: 8-27-17

by Sarah C.


Image result for Ball bot

The Ballbot is a robot designed to balance on a ball. It was made to move around almost like a figure skater. It was also made to be as tall and as wide as a human. The first successful Ballbot was made in 2005, made by Professor Ralph Hollis. One of the reasons it was designed, was to transport things. There has been successful experiments where the robots have transported supplies and even in a team. It can withstand kicks and nudges. It can also respond to bumping into furniture and it changes it’s direction. There are usually 3 omni- wheels that are used to move the ball. An omni-wheel is a wheel that moves forward but also slides sideways without skidding. To accelerate, the ball must be rolling backwards and the robot would be leaning forwards. And to decelerate, it’s the opposite. To avoid tipping they accelerate and decelerate slowly. It also retracts three legs to stabilize itself when powered off. Some experiments scientists have done to see the effects, is adding arms. The robot, called the CMU Ballbot, has arms. It is currently the only Ballbot to have arms. The arms are currently ineffective, meaning they can’t move or pick things up. They’re used to see the effect on the dynamics.

There is a version of the Ballbot, Rezero, focused on entertainment. It is made to be stable, fast, and effective. It is also supposed to be an interactive experience for a small group of people. Although, scientists think that the constant moving human world is too fast for the Ballbot.